light em up up up

Feb 10, 2013 19:27

I was less productive than I wanted this weekend, and now I'm being mopey, either because of that or because I shut myself up in my apartment for two days and I want attention, dammit. I was supposed to work, a lot, but ended up... not doing any work on Saturday.

My excuse, I guess, is that me and five other Team DCers tried to buy Fall Out Boy tickets for Charlotte and Philadelphia on Saturday, and... oh my god. Buying for 9:30 Club was a much more pleasant experience comparatively, because they had a 2-ticket maximum and required will call, I guess. Five of us trying for Charlotte at 10 on the dot struck out completely. For Philly, two (of six, by that point) succeeded, but it took 40 minutes of us constantly refreshing using a phone app. In the meantime, five minutes after the tickets went on sale, there were hundreds up on StubHub selling for 2+ times the face value. Fuck that. I feel so bad for everyone who didn't manage to get tickets to shows. That was just ridiculous.

So the stress from that kind of ended up eating the entire day. I did enjoy playing Skyrim, and I managed to get groceries, and cooked a chicken, and finished a fic I'd been blocked on and started another one. None of this is anything with a deadline, so that's not great, but at least I'm writing.

Then I started reviewing the report today, and as luck would have it, there are issues. So it might have to go back to the person who wrote it for revisions. Revisions that involve changing 2/3 of this year's numbers. So that's fun.

The other thing I really wanted to do this weekend was take two of transferring my music from my old laptop to the new one, but it's 7:30pm on Sunday and it's just not happening right now.

And now I guess I will beta and write. \o?

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bandom, music, real life

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