Oh man, I promised myself I'd take a break tonight and watch SJA (which I did ♥) and Castle (which I will as soon as I post this), but I read a few more pages while waiting for the water for my shower to warm up and came across this:
"But I suspect the passion with which they don't discuss him."
"They are afraid of him?" D'Harcourt raised his comedian's eyebrows.
Danny Hislop's bright teeth flashed in his hairless, unremarkable face. "If they were afraid, they'd tear him to pieces like schoolgirls. My guess is that he's gorgeous. A terrible tease and nasty at moments, but oh Maeve, he has such a way with him... Is he gorgeous, dear Adam?"
Adam Blacklock, thus addressed, said quietly, "Undoubtedly gorgeous."
It goes on like that for a while. And it's only page 23! D'Harcourt completely maligns Russian men by suggesting they are not cultured enough to get the hots for Lymond, so I'm really looking forward to some Russian dude showing him wrong!
I just want to point out to the uninitiated that the "they" here are Lymond's elite mercenary army. Oh, Adam, I knew you were nursing a bit of a crush. I love you, Adam.
You know, I was kind of miffed when The Game of Kings failed the Bechdel test in a spectacular fashion, because although there are tons of women in it they only ever discuss Lymond, but as I continued reading the books it became obvious that no two men ever have conversations with each other that don't revolve around Lymond either.
Stupid sexy Flanders!
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