Entraînés par la foule qui s'élance et qui danse une folle farandole...

Oct 24, 2010 20:14

-- Blackout/All Clear would lend itself really well to miniseries format. Even better than novel format. And if it is ever made into a miniseries (oh please please please), I will be able to vid it to Edith Piaf's La Foule which is all about a mob pushing two people together and apart. It fits the tone and themes of the book so well it's scary. I have half the vid in my head - the chance meetings and near-misses in Trafalgar Square on V-E Day intercut with running through Tube shelters and trying to get to Saint Paul's. It would be epic.

-- I am currently enjoying Pawn in Frankincense, book 4 in The Lymond Chronicles. Lymond has not slept with anybody in this one so far, but I wish he would, preferably with somebody who is not a sixteen-year-old girl. OR A FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD ONE. I really wonder if Jerott Blyth would sleep with him. It would be hot! This one character who was briefly in Book 2, the one where Lymond screwed half the French court, showed up in this book and was awfully curious about whether Evil Gabriel or Jerott liked Lymond That Way. Or if Jerott liked Gabriel That Way.

The impression I'm getting about Lymond is that he doesn't like himself very much and he's afraid of his own talents, and he refuses to act in any way likable, attempt to attract people, or even correct people when they get the wrong idea about him, because if they then find out how awful he really is they'll really hate him and DIE like Robin Stewart in book 2, the last person he tried to attract who ended up falling for him majorly, then hating him because Lymond lied, then making a desperate attempt to live up to Lymond's declared standards, and then killing himself when Lymond didn't respond to the overture in time.

So he was perfectly willing to let Jerott hate him and make assumptions and act like an ass towards him in book 3. And when Jerott finally realized what an ass he was, they fell into a lovely friendship where they are still utter asses to each other, but they have each other's backs. I'm very taken with Jerott's ability to give all his loyalty to the person he decides deserves it. Lymond would really have to fuck up to lose it, I think. Also, why does it charm me so much that all the men in these books constantly blaspheme? To illustrate this entire point, here's the scene in book 3 when Jerott finally realizes that Gabriel really is evil and he was an ass to Lymond after Lymond got the shit whipped out of his back.

It was then that Jerott took heed at last of the knot in his belly and the ache in his throat, and announced, regardless of every plan he had made, "I should like to stay. May I?"

"Oh, God, Jerott," said Francis Crawford, and the blood rose, revealingly, in his colourless face. "Yes... but... oh, Christ I'm glad; but if you touch my back once again you'll have to see the whole bloody thing through yourself."

ETA: I just recognized a third quote!

So Jerott is actually completely smitten and clueless about it, and has transferred the entire thing over onto Marthe, who looks and acts exactly like Lymond and will probably turn out to be his sister. He obviously has a type - tall golden blonds, can't say I blame him. I had wondered during that long scene where Jerott is obsessing over Lymond's empty bed if I had forgotten to take off my slash goggles, but nooo. He confessed his love to Marthe, and then Marthe was all, dude, you're in love with him not with me, and Jerott was all aghast, and Lymond heard it all and then Jerott figured out that Lymond's been fucking the Turkish dude who's been keeping them prisoner. THEIR LOVE IS SO STARCROSSED. And then Lymond kissed Marthe to punish her for blowing all this up in their faces, which, ew on so many levels.

-- Last night was our town's annual zombie walk. This year, we were just spectators, but we made kickass signs. Unfortunately no one's uploaded photos of our group yet, but I will share once they're up. They were awesome.

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music, reading, lymond, real life

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