(no subject)

Oct 19, 2010 08:21

The young man at the end of Blackout isn't Colin at all, but a young Mr Dunworthy. This is supported by the bit where it's stated that he "set the net" to bring him to that date/place. Colin wouldn't know how to do that; we're led to believe this is quite complicated in Doomsday Book, but Mr Dunworthy was a time-travel pioneer and would have known how to operate the net back in the early days of the technology.

Anyway, so, Michael, Merope, or Polly changed something, or maybe all three of them did, the net shut down, and young Mr Dunworthy also gets gets stuck in 1940. Paradox! Now he isn't there to direct the Oxford time travel program.

The big question, of course, is whether anything got changed and who changed it. It isn't necessarily Michael's actions at Dunkirk - if anything, I'd expect Connie Willis to make it something innocuous like Merope/Eileen nursing Binnie back to health when Binnie was supposed to die. Or maybe it's another character entirely.

I can't wait to get my book. Amazon says it left a DC facility with a courier service, but the estimated arrival date is tomorrow? I'm crossing my fingers for today.

In the meantime, I am reading the next LOLmond book. In the beginning of this one, like Turgenev, he has left for Baden-Baden.

ETA: Dude! There's a Discworld con in Madison next July. *plots*

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