Jun 25, 2007 09:21
And without further adue, the exciting conclusion to 2 weeks ago!!!!!!!
Hot Drunk Japanese Girls!
Your how old?
Wrestling in the Street is FUN!
This table can only hold so much Karaoke.
So I left you last weekend at the point where my team gave up on the Scavenger Hunt. With time ticking we went shopping to kill time. I am so hot in my red power ranger suit I am boarderline delirious. I should really be drinking water, but instead am shopping and throwing back the occasional beer. Finally we gather back at the coffee house/restaurant, and we are treated to free appetizers. Delicous? Perhaps not, but at least fancy. We all order Mojitos, because it's the pimp thing to do. So here we are, in Harajuku, sipping on Cuban summer drinks, tired and sweaty. Not to mention again I am in full body Spandex.
Now here is the only real bad planning that was done. We finished the Hunt around 4:30, then left the coffee place around 5:00, exhausted. But, of course, we had to be at Coins Bar by 6:30 for the Awards Ceremony/All you can drink, which was in Shibuya. So I had to race back to Jimbocho, change, shower, sleep for about 15 minutes, then take another train to Shibuya and I still manage to arrive late. I was exhausted and really could have gone for more time between the hunt and award ceremony. No problems though. Granted a lot of the food was eaten because I showed up late, but I could still scrounge. Free drinks didn't hurt either. At one point Sherley brought in two tasty Pecan pies for Dan's brithday. I was super happy. They were delicious.
So in said bar were a bunch of people. Lots of groups; people from the hunt, random people, etc. One group that caught my eye was one of three Japanese girls. Two were friends (Yuki and Yuki) and one came with my boy Jon (forgot her name, lets call her Riku) They gravitated towards each other, and it was overtly easy talking to them. Yuki1 made sure to tell me she was SUPER drunk. Turns out we had met a while back, during the Huge Halloween bash in that club in CHiba. She was cute, but her friend, Yuki2, was Super cute. I mean let me be honest, all three of these girls were freakin smokin, so it was not a problem, not like you could go wrong either way. Ah but here were some strings attached to our ladies....
Obviously my boy Jon is all up on the Riku girl, even though I can tell she is sweatin my stuff a little, but Jon is my boy and is really trying for her, so the most I do in her presance is talk up Jon. Yuki1 is single, but I can tell has a thing for my boy TIm. Tim has a GF, but I mean, I'm way past the point of Judging people on this crap here. So at one point Tim, Myself and Jon are posing for a shot, and he whispers to me "hit on Yuki1". This automatically reminds me of the time I had Nelium hit on Colleen at the Bob party from about 3 years ago. I wanted to make the girl feel wanted, sexy, so I had my friend hit on her. I thought this was Tim's mindset too, and I enjoy wingmanning for my bros, so I did just that; I hit on the Yuki's like it was my job. And they ate it up.
So a little later in the night Yuki1 gets all up on TIm's stuff, so I assume my job is done, and I focus on Yuki2, who is a little shy but seems to be having fun. I am having fun. We all are. Things are good. I keep occasionally yelling out "Karaoke!!?" to everyone to sort of not so subtly plant the idea into everyone's head. As the CoinsBar becomes "no longer free" bar, everyone was ready for Karaoke. We had a large group though, so we would have to go to Shindax, which is on the other side of Shibuya, but basically it's a giant building full of just Karaoke. With a crew of over 20 deep we start walking there.
On the way there I am chatting up pretty much everyone and having a good time. I can see the night in my future goggles; Some karaoke, then to a club, and I am in like flint with Yuki2. No problems.
Of course, my future goggles never worked well. Here is what happens. Turns out the reason Tim told me to hit on Yuki1 was not to make her jealous, but because he had some odd history with the girl, and did not want to stir trouble up with his current GF. He knew Yuki1 had a slight thing for me, so he wanted me to go for it with her, so as to avoid himself having issues. So yeah, by the time we got to Karaoke, he had throughly rejected Yuki1 politely. Yuki1 decided she should leave. This in turn convinced Yuki2 to leave. (DOH!). I gave her my info but suspiciously she did not give me hers. Figuring it a wash I just went up to Karaoke to belt out some tunes and forget the whole thing.
The Karoke room was sweet. Large, modern and fun, we fit about 20 people in. Sadly enough they did not have Debaser, which Dan and I were hoping for. He had heard about Mike's unbelievable redition, and wanted to see my version of it. Oh well, maybe next time I can try my wannabe Marino skills. Instead I opted for BlocParty, which was not bad.
The karaoke pressed on until around 11. I had jumped on tables, screamed a couple rock ballads, made an ass of myself, as is requisite with Karaoke. We then decided that the Shibuya Gas Panic would be the place to go since there was no cover charge, no trains to take, and no hastle in it. Game on.
So off we went. Inside the club it was pretty much how I had described the Shibuya Gas Panic previously; full of wannabe thugs, and few women. But with our crew it did not matter; once again we were at least 15 deep still, and could dance with one another. We road in and took the place over with little effort.
So as per ususal I dance randomly like an ass by myself, then with Amanda, then with Bethany since she was there (Dan'S GF) and we all had a good time. Tonya was there with her group of friends, one of them being a slightly gangly Englishman whos name I had forgotten. I will call him Tagalong. So I note that Tonya is dancing with everyone, and Tagalong watchs her, well, Longingly. He has "I like her" written all over himself, and it's sort of painfully funny; funny because it's funny and funny because I've been there back in High School.
So the night persists, as well does the cheap drinks and overtly boistrous R&B/Rap mix. I have been dacing with Amanda for a while, and Tonya with some random dude. Tagalong looks stupified and prepaired to cry in his beer. It is around now some very tall blonde walks in with her Japanese friend, both with distance and beer goggles looking good. They literally look at me, circle the room and start dancing right next to me, casually bumping me. They might have just as well put a neon sign over their heads. So I dance with them a little and do some light chat... I notice that the blonde (non-Japanese) has braces, and talks with sort of a balley girl accent. I also notice she seems a bit.... young? But her friend looks older and her height throws me off a little, so I just go with it and dance with her. The two whisper something and the Japanese girl disapears, leaving me with the tall blonde. My friends are of course impressed, and this in turn boosts my ego, so I continue dancing. Things then get a little weird.
Now note I am many in the hole at this point. So I start to slowly, slowly place pieces together. You see, in America is is rare ot get braces once out of one's teens. In Japan people in their 30's get them, but in America, no so often. So I don't really put this together too quickly, instead I am dancing with this girl who is consistantly placing my hands closer and closer to her crotch. Of course no complains... but something... is not fitting.... her dancing technique is less experianced than mine.... her movments awkward.... braces..... wait....... Hold up a second....
Girl- "So, how old are you?" -her words echo my thoughts, she must have read that I was going to ask this.
me- "Guess" -I say, since I always do.
Girl- "25" -she was right on... impressive.....
Girl- "How old do you think I am?" -I hate this question, you can never do it right, but I noticed with experiance that 20 to 22 is always a good, non-offending answer... if she is older she likes to be thought that age, if somehow younger well, they feel older which is cool... but I never had to deal with the lower spectrum until.... now....
Me- "I dunno... I hate this question.... 21?"
The girl lets out an awkward laugh.
Girl- "16.... I mean... just kidding....18" -Okay, so what? No.. What is a 16 year old girl doing in Shibuya, in this place, this tall.. braces.....WTF?
I start trying to figure out what to do, exit strats, excuses, pretend I am on fire, something. Luckily her friend returns, they have a quick conversation and she then tells me she has to leave. Relieved that I did not have to act wierd and run away, I say goodbye. When asked by my friends why she left, I just told them her friend needed her. No mention of the fact that I was dancing with some girl who could have been in Junior high was illicited. In hind sight what really threw me off was the height, this girl was as tall as my sister, not to mention walking in with a Japanese girl that was much older... Odd stuff. So back to dancing with Amanda I would go... until I looked towards the back of the bar...
Tagalong was seemingly arguing with the guy Tonya was dancing with. This of course could not be good. The guy walks off, and Tagalong begins talking to Tonya. Tonya is obivously loving the situation, nothing like boys fawning over you. Of course I go and talk to her about what is happening, and she assumes I want in as well. Her quote... "3 boys after me in one night, ...yadda yadda about herself being hot..." This of course kills any chance of me being attracted to her, but it does give me cause to laugh when I see what happens next....
The largest black man I have seen in Japan walks over, the guy Tonya had been talking to in tow. Apparently he called his big friend over to bully/scare off Tagalong. Tonya of course goes saucer eyed, from fear or an ego boost I cannot tell, but she is no longer with the program. Tagalong starts getting beer muscles as he realizes what is going on, and starts cursing. Now I am sorry, I am a some what ballsy person, but never, ever, even with my confidence bar to max, would I step to some GIANT BLACK DUDE in a club predominated by men of African decent. It is simply not a smart move. Tagalong did not have a sense for this. Tonya comes to and starts trying to talk to GBD. I have two options; watch as things downspiral, finding evil pleasure in the whole thing, or you know, help out.
I was a boyscout folks, you know what happens next. As GMD is talking to Tonya, I talk to Tagalong. "Dude, wtf is going on here man!?"
Tagalong- "I'm so drunk man, I have no idea" -luckily not an overly aggresive type, he seems to just be super confused.
Me- "Dude, this is a dance club, what are you doing not dancing, come over here and talk to these ladies."
As if by Godsend Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer" breaks the R&B/Rap monotony like lightning and the mood of the entire club changes. I take full advantage of this by doing some overt fistpumping and dragging Tagalong into our circle of people. I then start lipsyncing to some ghetto dressed Japanese girls, who love it. I throw Tagalong at them, and they start dancing. Operation "Hope Tagalong Does not swing at GBD on a Prayer" Successful. It is with humorous content I then notice Tony dancing with GMD somewhat unhappily.
So after this the night dwindles down and we all go out to get cabs. I get in with Tagalong, Tonya and I think one other peron. Tonya begins telling the cab her life story, Tagalong is wasted, and I can pretty much care less at this point. We get dropped off back at the hotel, and I make a quick combini run. I get some sticky rice and water. Tagalong follows Tonya to another combini. I see them inside again, and I go up to my room and crash.
I awaken the next day and go through the routine checkout procedure. I see Dan and Jon having some coffee, so I sit down and chat. J bone was having issues with his lady, so we chatted about that for a bit. We notice Tim checking out, with is GF is tow. It was the first time I had seen her, and damn she was hot. It's one of those things where you see a couple and they sort of just fit; TIm was an alternative looking, big gaijin and she was a hot shorty who wants to be with a guy that is seen. I don't know how to equate it in words without getting too odd, but they seemed to work well for eachother. She had a tattoo with eyes on her lower back that I was consistantly loosing staring contests with. Go Tim!
So I then exit and talk to Tonya, Mary and Cian. I don't know exactly where Cian was that night, she seemed to appear and re-appear at random. The girls harrased us to the point where we decided to get lunch with them in Shibuya. We went to some place I knew of, Pakyu Burger or something. Delicous it was. I enjoy hamburgers, so this did not disappoint. It was at this hamburger place that Cian told us of her youthful misaventures and she became 400 times more attractive to me.
After the meal we all went outside. I was feeling rather energetic and flirty, so I went over to Cian and jokingly kicked her in the legs twice. She got a kick out of it and started swinging her bag at me. Being the Ninja that I am, I dodged it about 4 times just out of her range. It was pretty funny. Cian then says, "Oh fuck this" or something to that effect, and throws down her bag and her backpack. The little firecracker then charges right at me!
Literally, this girl is half my size, but runs at me screaming. I go to run away, since I don't want to do anything like kick her in the face or like, trip her, so I decide running is good. Instead of chasing me, she jumps on my back and starts strangling me. This is what I get for fucking with this girl. So here I am, getting choked by a girl half my size as people are staring at me. I have to make a decision fast. If I stand there and let her choke me out I never hear the end of it. If I turn back towards the store and ram her body into the bricks, she will obviously break a rib and I will look like a dick. So what is the happy medium? SPINNING!
Thats right, I start spinning. First slow, but then faster as I realize I am loosing the ability to breath. I suppose I get a little carried away though, because at this point I am pretty much a top, and momentum is such that this girl's legs are now flailing. I realize then that if she does let go, She is going to go flying. I also realize that all of her weight is now supported by my neck, which feels crushed. I begin to slow down, but the centripital force is too much, and Cian goes flying. Luckily I was not at max speed, but fast enough to chuck her quite a ways. Her head misses a pole by a couple inches and she lands pretty hard on the concrete. Her entire elbow is scratched to hell.
So ineveitably, I look like the asshole, and apologize profusely. She is cool about it, but of course now everyone looks at me like I'm a midget tossing physco. I suppose they are not far off from the mark.
After this we all part and take our trains home.
So there you have it, just another weekend in Tokyo, full of close call fights, underage expats, midget tossing, karaoke and drinking. Some of which done dressed like a power ranger.
I may never come home....
Epilogue- I recieve an e-mail from Yuki2, YUS!
-I get facebook and myspace links from TOnya, Cian and that whole crew
-I gain 400 Tokyo Experiance points, I level up to Level 22! Queue FF music!
gas panic,