Okay well, I suppose I should have written this yesterday, but to be totally honest I was a bit hung over and could do nothing but watch GIT:SAC. So yeah, let me describe this weekend for you, one that shall live in infamy in my mind.
Okay so lets start. Friday held little for me in the way of crazy fun. If fact I remember very little of it. I ran track with my team at Koga 3rd. Good times, I ran in a park with three random aged girls from the distance team. Conversation is always painfully simplistic and reminds me again that I need to freaking study more Japanese. You would think that after 8 months here it would be better. You would be wrong. Still, had it been a week earlier the park would have been extremely beautiful, but most of the cherry blossoms there were done with.
So I run, that happens, then I get my crap and go home. Nothing too eventful, other than the fact that I could not decide what I wanted to do on Saturday. SOme people were going to Tokyo, others north to Mito. Tokyo seemed like a good idea since there are girls and clubs there, but Mito was similarly enticing; people were going to a club I had not been to, and there was a wine party with some dinner. Ricky like dinner and wine. Plus it was with some people I really like, so I felt it would be a good idea. In the end I chose Mito. Which was good, since few people ended up going to Tokyo.
So lets go to Saturday. I wake up pretty late and don't do anything until the afternoon. I went to the local arcade and blew more cash money on the new Initial D 4th Stage game. Good news is I put down some serious hurt in the game, and have almost beaten one player mode. So thats nice.
After that enthralling set I got my crap together and made my way to the train station. I tend to have a set weekend pack I travel with; usually a set of clothes, a book or two, and my dop kit all squished into a small backpack. I have to say it works quite well. I usually roll with my ipod too, and I listen to the Metropolis Metpod podcast. It's sort of like the Japanese equilivlant to Time Out New york, and I enjoy listening to it on the train to Tokyo or just about anywhere. I recommend checking it out if you are in the Japan area ever.
So I do the train to Mito, which takes an inordinant amount of time, something to the tune of 2 and a half hours. Oh well. I stop at my favorite Starbucks in the universe and get a latte. Luckily my favorite waiter is there; his English is damn good for a kid his age, and I don't have to bs will crappy katakana English around him, so I can order my coffee and it does not get fucked up. Im happy because I get coffee that is not fucked up, and he is happy because he uses English and all the women there then think he is cool. Everyone wins.
So I get to Dan's place and we find Rus and John chilling there. Rus is the soccer hooligan mentioned previously, and John has been referanced as Background boy. I'm a fan of him now, and he has progressed very far from Background boy, but it was his original monker on this blog so it shall remain.
So we start downing wine and Dan is cooking whatever it is he is cooking for this party. John and I watch the new Spider Man 3 trailer like little boys excited watching... a Spider Man trailer. Rus played some hilarious shit off his cellphone of Dan talking to some girl... It was pretty classic. Dan was by no means pleased.
So we throw back maybe 3 glasses each and head off to Navin's, where this dinner will take place. Imagine if you will 3 guys walking in the street, one with wine and another with a giant pot full of chicken he just took off the stove. Okay, maybe it doesn't sound so wierd, but it's funny walking down the main street of Mito, full of high end fashion boutiques and hair saloons, etc.. with a freaking pot of chicken.
We end up meeting one of Rus's friends at a combini, and well, he came too, but Rus dropped out since he had a kendo test the next day. So It was me, Dan, John and bike boy.
We get to Navins and I am welcomed by three great things;
a. WIne, and lots of it.
b. Food, always a plus.
c. Hot women-folk.
In the house lady wise was April Joy, Sherley, Laura Peps, and one of Dan's ex students, Asuka.
Yes, Asuka. 18 years old, and she had a decent grasp of English. She was pretty much genius level, she has been in Juku (cram school) since she was 8. Did I mention that she was also WAY TO YOUNG TO BE AT A WINE PARTY and TOO CUTE FOR ME TO DEAL WITH? It does not help that she found me cute as well. I mean I seriously don't care, I'm glad she was there, I have no qualms with this sort of thing, but she was cute, and it was a little wierd for me. I could describe what she was wearing, but I feel dirty even saying it. THat and you fucks would enjoy it too much. Suffice to say she was hot, and Dan is an amazing human being. OH snap almost forgot, Dan's lady friend, Bethany was there too. So yeah, there that is.
So we are drinking, eating (Navin's chicken was amazing) and talking. Good times, I enjoyed it, but I mean, I had at least 4 glasses of wine at Navin's. are we keeping count kids? we are already at the point where I am pretty drunk. It is also getting late and the girls start dancing inside Navin's house. Asuka left because well, she wasn't old enough to get into the club. Thank God, because as you will find out it would have been bad if she came. Anyways some quick visual of Navins.. and me kinda in the hole....
Not bad....
Enjoy my tonsils, bitch!
Dan and Asuka
Still within tolerable limits....
So finally we all decide it is off to the club. This place is called Bubble, and it is in Northern Mito, about a 5 minute walk from Navin's. From the begining I was trouble. The entrace was nice, nothing crazy. No bouncers, and two cute Japanese girls. So everyone starts talking about how it is 3000 yen to get in. SO here I am drunk and a cheap asshole, so I decide I am going to try to get in without paying, because well, I am a drunk douche. So Sherley pays, then I kind of lock arms with her, and walk in. So I am in this place, walk around a bit, then get online for a drink. I am in there for about 5 minutes and getting the vibe, and I am next in line for a drink. I then get a tap on my right and next to me is the hot ass girl. I am all smiles until I place her; it is the door girl. She starts talking in Japanese and I cannot really figure it out since I am well, pretty good and sloshed, but I kinda figure she caught me walking in, so I say "how much?" In japanese, and confirming my suspicions she asked for 3000 yen. Fair enough. Litte did she know she probobly should have charged me about 8000 yen for what was coming.
Part Two coming at you after School!!!!! WHAT happens in the club? How much more can he take? Find out in the NExt eispode of Dragon Bal.... I mean Rick