(no subject)

Aug 25, 2006 09:14

Yup, my first of a few pictures of Japan.  This was the first one I took though, the Government Building that was like, right outside my window.  Cool times in Tokyo, I need to go back soon, I have been bad about this so far.

I have been known to enjoy a Japanese robe or two.

The back streets of Shinjuku.  This is me follwing some people.  Good times.

Keiichi's god damn dashboard monstrosity.  As you can see, it can play any media known to man.

Matsuri and ladies in Yukata.  Good times in Mito.  I should really cut my hand out of this though.  Oh well.

Ah yes the Hanko...  Whos momentary loss sent me into quite a tizzy, if you still use that word.

My English Club?  Sure.  Guess who is the whitest!  Guy in blue is Justin, who hooked me up my first week or so.  Good dude.

We will of course save upoading this series of pics when I am not at work.

Name that video game.

Sweet lord I hated this ugly thing.  Is it just me or does it have "kick me like a football" written all over it?

White guy jumping into family photos number 2

Outside the house of Ai's mother's father's brother.  I thought it was a cool shot.

70 year old rice paper tracing Ai's mom's ancestory.  Again, thought it was a cool pic.

On top of some huge ass castle.  While I was up here a whole bunch of snakes got released and Samuel L Jackson shot them all up.  SNAKES ON A MOTHA F#$% JAPANESE TRADITIONAL CASTLE!

The Funaki's enjoyed baseball from there... God damn it when can I get this shit in the states?

I sure hope so.

Nams says "bury me bitch!"

You know are just trying to enjoy the beach when all of a sudden God Damn dirtbikers start jumping all over the place.  Damn it.

Hot Sid and... er... the other girl?  Basically just a nice shot of some of the beach bomb.

I know what you are thinking.  "Rick, this is a blurry picture of shit"  Well, I contest you on this.  Think of it as whatever you want it to me.  I see it as the god damn last picture my camera took before it utterly shit itself.

So there you have it.  Thank you Hsien for hosting those sexy things.  I will upload more if I feel they are worth it, and if I get a new camera that works.  I am assuming I should since you know, I might want to photographically document my trip across the world.  So yes, if anyone has suggestions for cameras as well, I am open.

Thats it.  PEACE for now.

tokyo, beach, japan, pictures

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