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Jun 12, 2006 14:35

What a crazy ride this past weekend was.I went down to peterborough with jay hall,stayed at bretts place and his soccer hoolagin family,lol their awsome,his dads soooo brittish.we went to a small pub, after we met up with jimmy had 4 pitchers while listening to live music, 1 man 1 guitar a small pub and 2 books of music he knows.recipe for fun! we toasted and drank and sang free fallin' and drank some more.Jay and his anger for healing method is hard to grasp for me, but i did him proud while walking to the rooster,some idiots were crowding the street just standing there so I gave him a good shoulder and kept walking,he started chirpin me so i turned around and said"if you got a beef come here and tell me to my face " "I...I....I'd rather not thanks" ha! off to the rooster i go cockier than ever, we started with 2 shots of gin, then zambuca and a couple beer. I managed to hook up with some girls on the dance floor,i dont claim to be a good dancer. infact im pretty surei have two left feet.they danced with me for the rest of the night.i thought it would be done then,i thought we would go back to bretts, well,jay and brett did,jimmy went home and i hit the afterpartywith the 2 girls their 2 girlfriends and steve,party was at his house..It was a hoot, the girls started comparing boobs, than it went to more specifics like nipples then areolas...then they wanted to see cock,at first i got all shy but then i realized fuck they just showed me their titties the least i can do is this,lol,so i did, eyes widend and jaws dropped, steve refused to show off.lol.what a pussy.lol.crazy crazy ladies.the night ended at 6am and i got a ride to bretts to be informed that jay has a dj show in scarborough, room for 1 im down, we rolled the whole way with tupac and biggie,honking at complete strangers,everyone waves back.....always...and we justn give them the finger.lol.we got to the party right on time set it up and were making people get jiggy with it and even do ther macaranna the greatest part about it...they were like 60s to 70s lol some younger people i think maybe 5 mine and jays age, the party closed early so we thought wed hit peterborough again.lolwe arrive 1am to sin cityjust as brett and his incredibly hot cousins were heading out.jay and i convinced them to stay, so 3 or four tequilla and a beer later i was grindin with sammie,i couldnt believe how much i didnt care about what people were thinking about me, i was so free. the last song.slow dance.last kiss. it was a very good dance.she even thanked me and kissed me on the cheek.
on our way to bretts we bought some street meat,i didnt feel like the whole thing so instead of waitign til we got to bretts to throw it out i did it while we weere driving across a brodge, and im sorry to whomever was walking but it was my hotdog that smucked you.lol.and no...ther middle fingers you were waving never hurt my feelings.lol.i have to go shower for work now, my weekend doenst end there i fill you all in on sunday night when i get home at 6am,my sister works so im home all by myself,lovely.
I hope everyone is well and if ya need me you knwo where i be. :)
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