Jan 20, 2006 02:50
GAH! the live anti virus popped up and kicked me off this site, everything was lost, i wanna cry but i cant i have to buck up and finish this cause i made a promise.I need to honour that promise as i honour my love for whom i made the promise to.Ya dig ? good.
Anyhow my sister kicks ass! she bought me a samurii sword set and a cool glass coffee table....the table is a bit big, so i must rearranged my living quarters, not that its a big deal,ask shawna, she'll tell you how much i change around my room, its compulsive.
I played chess tonight, it had been awhile since i had to battle with my brain but i wasnt against much in way of competition....trish sucks, I RULE! ha! the plan was to go over to travis;' but trevor said that everyone was havign an early night, what a bunch of losers.....ha! jk. it took 2 hours to play 1 game of chess. the pot definatly prolonged things. and trish had a talk with me tonight, she thinks im anorexic or however u spell it....i think she fucking huffing glue, but she insists....she cares. but really im not unhealthy at all.i am very fit.
I hope i get to see my darling shawna tomorrow night, it would be grand.i must remember to set my alarm so i can phone her tomorrow, i have no postits ill jsut write it on my hand.if the plan falls south, i will just stay in at home and probably sleep and play video games....playing with my new swords!!!!
i gotta go, im sleepy, i was writing a poem, but its long, and im not too sure i wanna post it,cause it doesnt seem complete....
Pleasent dreams everyones.
Hugs and kisses Hun, i love you always and forever.XOXOXOXOXOX