Apr 26, 2007 10:37
ugg I think my stress level has been going up a notch everyday. I dunno soon my hair is going to fall out, eh that would be bad seeing as the industry im currently trying to get in with.
AA needs to get easier but right now I cant stop thinking of all the things I have left to do and how little time I have.
Study and take my advanced final
Study and take my final Four
Study/practice for boards
Finish my 6 highlight
Finish my 2 perms
Finish a bazillion clinic assighnment sheets
all in about a months time, yeah I dunno but that look like its cutting it pretty close. But I know who to blame... ME. God damn it!
On a lighter note, prom and graduation seem like a gods sent. Just gots all the paper work for graduation shtuffisis. It is going to be fun. I just got to figure dates for everthing.
Im looking foward to the awards ceremony.
Need to get my dress soon, dunno when thats going to happen..
Need to get my gown for graduation
Not going to Arlington Acadamy on fridays seeing as its completley dead and a waste of hours.
Gots lots to do until I go to school.
May your day be far less complicated then mine.