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Jul 13, 2007 15:37

The only reason I started writing fanfiction is Draco and Pansy. The plot bunnies just wouldn't leave me alone. So when I made a comm to host my fic, I only planned on writing them.

But writing fanfiction has gotten me more interested in all things Harry Potter. I've already written a few other pairings, and now that I've joined hogwarts_elite and started participating in their contests, I'm sure to write more pairings and gen.

The question is, where should I store my non-D/P fic? The name of the comm, alphaslytherins, pretty clearly means Draco/Pansy. I've already stretched it by posting a primarily Neville/Pansy fic with Draco/Pansy in the background, but since Pansy is still a main character I thought that was ok. Including stories primarily focused on other Slytherins seems acceptable too, but I'm not positive. How about completely non-Slytherin fic? Could I just treat alphaslytherins as my all-HP fanfic depository?

The main thing I want is to make it easy for my readers, which means you. Please let me know what you think via this handy poll, or leave a comment.

Poll Organizing my Fanfiction
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