I hope this isn't off topic...? If so, mods, feel free to delete it.
I'm one of those crazy people who started
NaNoing in the middle of the month. To be more specific, I started on day 11. My first ever NaNo, and I started extremely late.. now I'm at 26k, and I have another 10 days to write another 23k words.
With Thanksgiving approaching. :P
I'm writing a Bones/Alphas crossover fanfiction (set after Bones' "The Hole in the Heart" and before the Alphas S1 finale). Wish me luck.
(Further NaNoWramblings are over at my journal, on the off chance that you're interested. Probably not.) But anyways. Are any other fanfic authors doing NaNo this year? And if so, are you writing fanfic (Alphas or otherwise) or original stuff? ...Do tell. I'm curious to hear. :]
ETA: Aaand NaNoWriMo is DONE! Updated my word count at 8:30 on 11/30 for a total of 53k. :D The story's not finished yet-I'd say about half way?-but this is the most I've written for one story since I can remember. The mad sprint to finish is over! ...Now to keep working on the fic until it's readable...