[Series] Masterpiece - {Prologue}

Jun 28, 2010 16:57

Title: Masterpiece
Author: Me
Paring: Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ohno is a successful artist but can only paint black and white pictures. That all changes when a very special someone appears in his life.

Disclaimer: Only own original plot and story

Notes: First fanfiction that i am writing. Forgive my 14 - year old vocabulary .

Life - A black and white painting

Applause rang loudly through the hallway as the exhibition ended. "Congratulations on another successful exhibition Ohno-San," comments a reporter. "There is something I am curious about though,why are all your paintings in black and white? ", questions the same reporter. "Well, a painting reflects upon the artist who drew it,and my life is just like a black and white painting" answers Ohno. Not expecting such a deep answer , the reporter stares blankly at Ohno. An awkward silence engulfed the hallway. "Ok, Ok no more questions, this is the end," announces the artist's fashionable assistant Jun. Jun swished his hands in a you-are-not-wanted-here manner while he escorted the reporters out.


Leaning towards Jun's ear, Ohno whispers in a tiny voice" Was my answer no good?". He was pouting as he was clearly upset about what happened earlier." Well it was deep, not everyone would understand that," replies Jun while sipping his cup of coffee.


"Kazu-Chan! Get your butt off the couch and go search for a part-time job," shouts Nino's mom in a shrill voice. "Hai, okasan," replies Nino half-heartedly, shutting off his DS. "You should not spend your holiday lazing around when you are old enough to make some money by YOURSELF," stresses the nagging parent.


"Open up, Open up !" shouts a man, who was banging on the door repeatedly. As Nino unlatched the latch, his face was filled with immediate regret. He proceeded to whack the other man's head for almost breaking down the door. "Ouch! Nino-Chan you meanie. Ah ! anyway look at what i found," says Aiba, Nino's hopelessly excited best friend as he produces what looks like a job flier. "Master Artist Ohno Satoshi looking for a model, male or female, all welcome to audition," Nino read out. Aiba nodded his head vigorously.  "If you get selected we will be rich!" shots Aiba with his ever contagious burst of energy. "Wait, We?! and what do you mean by rich?" replies Nino, demanding an explanation.


"Eh?! You don't know? He is the most successful artist in Japan and also the tenth richest man in the whole of Japan!" exclaims Aiba.

r: pg-13, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi

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