Mar 01, 2005 21:00
YAY!!!!!! I'm finally done with my recital hearing and guess what?? I'm approved, which means all I have to do now is making sure my program notes are in good shape and then actually give the concert. I am in the best mood EVER!! It's been a great fact, one of the best ones in a while! Not that i've been having bad days, but this one definately tops them all! I guess it's that feeling of accomplishment!!
The only bad news I have is that I didn't make QuadWorks :( But, on a good note, I've been encouraged to run for Senior Rep., which means I'd still be on the board, but with less responsibility. I really wanted to be on the board as a chair, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. But I'm proud of myself for applying because not many people do and I usually don't get involved in those sorts of things. Maybe I'll get Senior Rep...
Speaking of the word Senior, it's freakin' crazy how fast the years have flown by at good old Mercer U. I don't feel like I'm about to be a senior. It's kind of scary because I'm not 100% sure of what I'm doing with the rest of my life. I know what I'd like to do, but I know that things will fall into place as they should...just gotta have a little faith and put some effort into things and it will happen.
Well, I'd love to write more but I've got a long night ahead of me. Thanks to Dr. Parris, we've had a writing assignment every week in Form and is not a fun class. But whatever...ok, I'm out!
And one more thing: "I'm Miss Wanye County and I'm from Jesup, Georgia, where we're one letter away from Jesus and Jes-up the road!!" :) I thought you'd like that!