Jul 26, 2006 13:57
Is it wrong, I ask all of you, to flirt with your daughter's orthodontist while all of your children are present? Abby (who needs six thousands dollars worth of orthodontia when all is said and done) has an ortho who is probably younger than me and thin and boyishly handsome. I asked him about his super-short hairdo (for the summer) and that you can now see a scar right on top of his head. Of course, I asked what it was from, and after some joking about saving old ladies from burning buildings (harhar) he said it was from pole-vaulting in high school. I told him that was just as exotic and exciting, he hesitated and said "uh, yeah, it is..." with a smirk. That was the extent of it. Harmless, right? I mean, I have to endure my husband opening ogling anything with breasts all the time. I'm entitled right?
Plus, I probably have to see this dude for about 6 more years. So may as well sit back and enjoy the ride. *smirk*
i'm old