Jun 18, 2005 21:09
i am so excited, kara is letting me download all of her cds, i am so happy and excited about that. its freaking awesome!! thank you.. you really rock
so i dont think i like my hair, really..yesturday, sadly i sat down for like 30 min and cried about it, i was really up set and not just about my hair but i really wasnt happy about it really. also, kara and i went to see cinderella man yesturday it was good, i wanted to see it b/c i was hoping to cry but i didnt and i was jelous that kara did b/c i really felt like having a good cry. i so threw myself the biggest pitty party yesturday ending with an ice cream that i really wanted and was happy kara wanted one too, it didnt make me feel better though, actually my stomach hurt bad after wards..
i did have fun though yesturday, even though all i wanted was a cry fest hehe what else? hmm i dunno, i had a business mtg today that was fun!! just me karen and sb!! then, i did two facials when i got home, me and mom then went shopping for us granny and grandma talk about crazy work i mean honestly for real it was nuts!! so, then we came home i unloaded everything, took grandma all of her crap, went and filled up the burbon, took granny her stuff came home went pee (that was supposed to be the #1 thing to do when i got home, i had to go soo bad!!)
shortly after that kris came over for i guess you would call our weekly talk b/c we get together once or twice a week to have a talk about whats been going on today was a realy good one she was here till about 8 30. yeah.. hmm and all day i've been down loading b/c theres something up with my comp and it taking freaking 5 years to get one song seriously im not kidding it is so messed up.. im taking it to best buy hopefully monday b4 work, then i'll be at karas till tuesday morning b/c thats when they leave for their road trip, or at least that is what i am going to call it to make it sound like fun :o)
then i am unsure of whats going on besides me doing scholarships off the hiz-ouz