
Aug 04, 2005 18:22

I am so bord!!!! I feel funny too. but I did see Caitlin today, that was fun, she brought her whole posse (mierin and alura- who both think I am kara..well not mierin.. I dont know how to spell their names...) i am so bord... and like today I was gonna go see Carlin again and give her a facial ok so I go up there around the time she tells me to, and she is flippin busy with two people and was like well we need another hour.. its gonna be 3 in another hour and that is when she can leave.. so I do go back at 3 and all of these teachers are leaving so I don't go in but life what ever.. I knid of have a head ache right now... and I wanna do something but I don't want to do it with y'all, I want to be with you, but you don't ever answer me so I will refuse to call anyone else b/c I want to wait until you don't call me... i am pissed too, i don't know why. I just feel like I have a black cloud over my head, I probably do.. I will be back later to finish, I'd rather be watching the simpsons right now.. bbl
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