Too much work to go and add every character by hand? We have just the fix for you! Simple copy the text below and then paste it at the
Admin Page to add all our characters at once!
Add Friends:
friend add 14th_prayer
friend add a_mans_soul
friend add anosognosian
friend add alphacomplex_rp
friend add apenasaplaneado
friend add backdoordoc
friend add for_good_taste
friend add he_is_a_char
friend add j_enigmatic
friend add like_im_a_scout
friend add listentomeeeee
friend add mr_computer
friend add neku_phone_home
friend add objection_happy
friend add penishand
friend add perfect_karma
friend add scar3dy_cat
friend add slide_forever
friend add spiritmeister
friend add theysaidiwasmad
friend add withpayment
Remove Dropped/Inactive: