This semester is seriously disrupting my sleeping patterns. The earliest I voluntarily wake up on weekends is 3:30 PM.
I have some good classes, and my skill with processing is getting better by the day(i.e. my
initials in java graphics(click on it, move the mouse around the screen and see what happens) and a poetry/lyrics generator that I just stayed up until 8 programming the basic framework of), and I'm making some cool friends(including a girl with really, really weird bangs that I really, really like that probably doesn't like me back even though she made me this really, really cool italodisco CD), but things are still kinda weird.
I'm kind of worried about other people(one of whom being somebody that's probably reading this journal entry right now--you know who you are--and whom I should probably e-mail soon, and the other being my second biggest crush ever that seems to be having a few growing problems with substance abuse), and I'm still really not used to certain things, even though I probably should be by now. Oh, and one of my teachers wants me to go to The Writing Center. I've never felt less confident about my writing abilities since then.
To tell you the truth, I'd much rather find myself back in 2000, comfortably relaxing in my old beanbag chair(before my cat rendered it smelly and useless with her urine) and gloating about middle school grades while listening to bossa-nova instrumentals, making cheesy graphics for an equally cheesy "web startup", fiddling around with a weird German graphics card on my 7300/180 and finishing the PS1 Castlevania. I distinctly remember a moment in March of that year thinking to myself that my life was pretty much perfect.
To tell you the truth, I still think it was.
As if to accentuate the point that 2000 was infinitely better, I've been waxing nostalgic about system 7.6 to literally anybody that gives me the time of day. I've been running the Basilisk emulator sporadically at full screen for the past few weeks, and it's just a better OS; the interface has fewer semi-tacky, processor-intensive animations, the DSPs produce wonderfully-low-res 22KHz sounds, and one of my favorite games of all time,
Another World/Out of This World(on which I might write my final design studies paper), is now perfectly playable in 256 colors. Additionally, the icons are minimalistic and functional, and ResEdit is really, really, really fun now that I actually know what I'm doing.
I've also been using DOSBOX to play old Space Quest games(because I really, really hate FPSes and MMORPGs, which seem to be the only things that are out these days).