I just got my order of Yarrow today!

Jun 17, 2010 20:27

It was delightful. The stimulant / tonic effects reminded me of a mix between lorazapam(/ativan), coffee, or light beer. It was warm and made me think of the energy pattern as being a translucent bubble, vs. a gravelly edge that comes with coffee. It was caffeine-free and is one of the few mild stimulants which I am able to have right now.

Just for a dated reference:

med·i·cine [méddəssin]
1. drug for treating illness: a drug or remedy used for treating illness
cough medicine

drug [drug]
n (plural drugs)
1. medicinal substance: a natural or artificial substance given to treat or prevent disease or to lessen pain

I suppose that my mind is capable of wandering in and out of time frames upon which this information may re-emerge... I thought it was obvious. Stigma, bias, propaganda from our youth.
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