Apr 16, 2004 05:55
wow its early right now. ive been up for almost 2 hours bc i didnt finish my hw last night. of course, i had 2 watch American Idol [JPLs off :(], Survivor [Kathys off but who cares], the Bruins [i amlost killed all of them], and the red sox [i almost killed them 2]. by then i was like o well, but i forgot that i have my geometry project due today thats really hard. by the way its been more than 3 business days, i think that the EEEEEEEEEllios (w/ a long e sound) pizza ppl r ingoring me bc they know that im right. or maybe they just think its a wicked annoying question and dont want to answer it. or maybe they dont even know. o well. i gg try and finish my geometry project and then study for history, KBYE.
p.s. comment kthanks
p.p.s. erin.... SQUASH THE PINEAPPLE!
p.p.p.s. wow, that mustve sounded like the weirdest thing youve heard all week if your not erin.