Title: Words Across Cables
alphabetasoupFandom: Law & Order
Medium: TV Series
Rating: Teen
Genre: General
Character: Ben Stone (with Jack McCoy)
Theme: Q is for quandary; a state of uncertainty or perplexity
Words: 514
Disclaimer: Law & Order, and all the characters contained therein, is the property of Dick Wolf and NBC Universal. Just for fun, not making money.
Summary: Some comfort and advice via email.
Author's Note: Incredibly rusty fanfic author here. The email address are obviously not real, and I took some liberty with the date. Spoilers for "Helpless" (Season 3), "Old Friends" (Season 4), "Aftershock" (Season 6), "Under the Influence" (Season 8), and "Invaders" (Season 16 finale).
Words Across Cables )