I feel bad for Sam because no matter what he does, he's wrong. He's like Mohinder. Don't kill YED!Dad--wrong choice! Don't kill Jake--wrong choice! Don't use your powers in season 3 to save Dean and kill Lilith--wrong choice! Do use your powers in season 4 to kill Lilith--wrong choice! Jeez. Combination
Xanatos Sucker and
Nice Job Breaking It Hero.
I'd be so done with it all. Because I wouldn't be able to resign myself to being a puppet for anyone else, but clearly the most dangerous decision I can be trusted with is what breakfast cereal I can eat. And maybe not even that, because WHO KNOWS.
ETA: Said better by
blahbaby here. I honestly don't consider myself a Sam girl, I like both of the boys so much, but when Sam is so starkly presented as WRONG while Dean is RIGHT, it makes me sad because I like both of them.
I feel like back in the R/Hr vs. H/Hr shipping debates and we'd be pointing out Hermione's flaws because they refused to see any and they'd be like, "You just don't like her!" We do, we do! But she's not perfect. Sam isn't perfect either, but until last night, I didn't think he was supposed to be portrayed as so hopelessly fucked by destiny. Or at least that he'd be able to overcome it. But unless he's somehow the only one who can kill Lucifer as well as raise him (which I am 99.99% sure he's not--Dean's going to do that and that will expiate some of his guilt for Hell), Sam can't do anything right. And even if he's the only one who can kill him, we really would have been better off if Sam had never raised him in the first place.
ETA again: I'm being vague, but I request that all of you who have squee about last night's episode to please share it here.