Fanfic sticky post

Jan 01, 2030 03:24

Sticky post for all my fic on LJ. As of about 2007, I generally crosspost my fic here and on For earlier fics (earlier HP fics and Digimon), I refer you to my profile. But here are the fics on LJ.

Star Trek fic:
The Flying Graysons. 600ish words of the purest crack. Jim pointed at him. "You." He started pacing. "Why didn't you--no. How could you not tell me?"
Spock raised an eyebrow. "I am unable to respond to your inquiry, as I am unsure what you are referring to."

I learned how to write it when I first started school. 300ish words. Kirk rolled his eyes. "I heard you. It wasn't a 'please repeat yourself' what. It was a 'why do you think you have to apply?' what."

Family Dinners. 560ish words. "You have a girlfriend?" Hikaru winced. That didn't come out exactly right. Probably he shouldn't have sounded so surprised.

Come Home to the Iowa State Fair. 1200ish words. Kirk drags the gang along with him to a state fair. There can be as many people as you'd like, as many or as few pairings, but it must be sheer crack.

Oh, What a Night. 1280ish words. Sequel to Family Dinners. Jim spread his hands. "Perfect. That'll be a nice break from having to fix, you know, big galaxy-threatening problems."

Star Trek comment fic:
Spock/Uhura; h/c, planetarium May 14, 2009

Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura; Uhura voyeurism

Crew; de-aging fic

Spock, Sarek; Vulcan Space Academy

Crew; Chekov's 18th birthday, barhopping

Chekov; obedience curse

Star Day. 440ish words. Sam Kirk POV. Mommy and Daddy were coming home today.

Summer sunshine. Prompt: McCoy & Joanna - Raspberry kisses

Supernatural fic:
It's Like Riding a Bike. Gen, 1145 words. A story about riding bikes in three parts. Preseries.

Chickenpox. Gen, 520 words. The boys have chickenpox. Preseries.

Echon Daimonion. Gen, 1794 words. I don't need someone healthy. I'll keep you alive and healthy. I need someone weak, someone who won't fight me. Someone with nothing to lose. A friendless, familyless dying girl seems made to order, doesn't it? Set just before season 3, season 3 spoilers.

Santa Claus is Coming to Town. 749 words. Dean hated to see that look in Sammy's eyes. What would cheer the kid up? "Hey, I know it sucks that we're moving again right before Christmas, but you know Santa can find us no matter what, right?" Preseries.

Chicken Noodle Soup. 532 words. Dean's feeling a bit under the weather, so Sammy takes care of him. Preseries.

The Origin of the Species. 457 words. I just can't believe that you're arguing for a divine origin of the species. Set at the end of season 2.

For Me It's True. Sam/Jess. 1039 words. Sam chose his words with precision when talking about the most mundane things, so something like this? Jess knew he wouldn't say it, or expect it to be said to him, until he knew beyond any doubt it was true. Stanford era.

Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice! 455 words. Sam flushed a little, but kept going. "You said Dad's like a superhero," he reminded Dean. "So, like, mostly they fight on their own, but sometimes they work together?" Preseries.

This Looks Like a Job For... 1377 words. Daddy has to go to work again, so they go to Miss Kelly's again and after Daddy leaves, she looks different again, and it's in her eyes and Sammy sees her eyes are yellow now. "Is it Superheroes time?" he asks. Preseries.

That's My Boy. 260ish words. Ruby looked into his eyes and lied again. "Yes." Season 3.

Four Weddings and a Funeral. 705 words. Four weddings and one funeral that Bobby's attended. Preseries to season 2.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. 582 words. Yep, Sammy on drugs never failed to entertain. Preseries.

Pinewood Impala. 468 words. Sammy was up to something. It wasn't anything obvious--Sammy could be sneaky when he wanted to--but Dean knew it all the same. The too-innocent face, the obliging way he agreed to play outside, the hand in the pocket...he was hiding something. Preseries.

Objects in the Mirror are Closer Than They Appear. 630ish words. And Sammy's favorite word was "Why?" Always with the why and John never had the answers. He dreaded the day when Sammy would start asking real questions. Preseries.

Snipe Hunt. SPN/HP crossover. 800ish words. Sam frowned as he considered that. "Well, I guess it could be a side effect, but I can't think of any creatures that erase memory." Season 1ish.

Mogigraphia. 250ish words. But as always, his father was two steps ahead of him. Preseries.

Foosball Wizard. 640ish words. Dean had a brilliant idea. "How about this? Best two out of three decides what we do next." They'd be playing foosball all day. Preseries.

10 Sam-centric drabbles. Put your music on random. Write a drabble as long as the song plays. 10 Sam drabbles. Preseries to season 4

New Kid. Gen, 170ish words. Comment fic written for the prompt "lunch/run/small". Set preseries.

The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. 600ish. Written for this prompt: So when Castiel gives Dean the Colt, Sam has a plan. Shoot Lucifer, and then shoot himself. Written before season 5 started, set in season 5.

Rewrite what's gone already. 2700ish. Mary Campbell, Bobby mused. He'd never met her, or her family, but everyone knew of the Campbells, and they'd never been the sort to ask for favors. But she wasn't Mary Campbell, not anymore. She was married now, some civilian named John Winchester, Harvelle had told him, and she'd left the hunting world for good after her parents were killed. AU staring in 1983.

Melody blowing through the willow tree. SPN/So Weird crossover. Comment fic for the prompt sam winchester & fi philips, fellow travelers

HP fic:
NOTE: I wrote a lot of Fred/Angelina fics. Those are on ff.n and SQ. I was actually surprised I had so many HP fics on LJ.

Black Silk Boxers. 2300ish words. Bill and Charlie discuss their future career paths.

Tempting. 1000ish words. Fred/Angelina piece set during OotP.

Two 100 word drabbles. Written for hp100. One Molly/Arthur, one James/Lily.

A Matter of Perception. 1000ish words. Ron/Padma at the Yule Ball.

Department of Misinformation. 990 words. How do the Muggle-born kids tell their parents about what goes on at Hogwarts?

Untitled Sequel to "Black Silk Boxers". 1040ish words. "A posh Muggle restaurant," Charlie corrected. "Which is the only thing that will keep Mum from pulling out her wand and putting a hex on me when I tell her."

Untitled Charlie/Tonks piece 1950ish words. Charlie/Tonks set during OotP. Written before HBP.

Flowers or Candy. Written for mistletoemagic. 1030ish words. Molly/Arthur at Hogwarts story.

Someone Else's Something. 250ish words. Ron was used to being known as someone else's something. All his life. It started with, "Oh, you're Arthur's son," when he'd visit his father at the Ministry. As his brothers got older and they'd meet their friends, "Are you Bill's brother?" or "Oh, that's Weasley's little brother."

Birthday Presents. 870ish words. It's Bill's birthday. Fleur gets him a present.

Snipe Hunt. SPN/HP crossover. 800ish words. Sam frowned as he considered that. "Well, I guess it could be a side effect, but I can't think of any creatures that erase memory."

Ever the Same. 370ish words. It was like her first year all over again, but so much worse because she could miss Harry and Ron now, instead of merely wishing for friends.

Rich Uncle Pennybags. 350ish words. Still, when her darling new husband beat her for the second time at Monopoly, she found herself feeling almost murderous.

Unfinished, untitled "OMG Dudley's kid is magic?!?!?" story. 1310ish words. It wasn't a surprise when the letter came, not really. Dudley'd known for some time. How could he miss it, after growing up with Harry? But then the letter came. It was one thing for your instincts to tell you something and another altogether to be confronted with indisputable proof of it.
So Dudley had to give it to Daisy and send her off to learn to be a witch.

Mercury. James/Lily. 270ish words. "Yes, I did," James said proudly, straightening his tie. "Well, Benjy Fenwick took me to his parents' house to use the phone," he nodded to himself as he said it correctly, "and gave me the book to look up the number of the restaurant. That's actually quite handy--Muggles have some good workarounds since they don't have magic."

Opalis Firticle. Cedric; Luna. Comment drabble for lady_sarai.

Misc fic:
Chippy Sessions. 450ish words. Eric and Michael watch a hockey game.

Untitled. Written for alias500's "What if?" challenge. 327 words. Eric Weiss runs into someone unexpected.

Untitled Nathan-Peter story. 450ish words. Because--I'm afraid, and I need my brother.

Someday. 2300ish words. A DBSZ fanfic dealing with Chamuya getting his memories back.

David Eddings:
Nothing is Going Right. Written for everyfiveyears. 1054 words. Nothing is going right today for Asrana; her brother is leaving to be trained as knight, and now she's going to be alone.

Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys:
Four times Frank and Nancy pretended to be a couple (and one time they didn't). Written for Yuletide 2008. 1521 words. The title pretty much sums it up.

Comment fics
Still a work in progress.
Susan and Lucy; nightmares

Susan; learning

Edmund and Peter; first day of school

Nancy; happily ever after

Nathan; big brother

Hiro, Ando; Batman Begins

Bruce, Alfred; parents

Crossing Blades. Arthur/Morgana, a fight stopped with a kiss.

Working on organizing these: --character list + prompt = drabble --music meme w/many fandoms --make a comment, get a drabble

fic: greys anatomy, fic: dbz, fic: merlin, fic: crackfic, fic: alias, fic: heroes, fic: crossover, fic: so weird, fic, fic: nancy drew/hardy boys, fic: spn, fic: narnia, fic: star trek, fic: dc, fic: david eddings, fic: west wing, fic: harry potter, fic: au

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