This is eerily familiar

Sep 24, 2020 17:04

For reasons I'm not totally clear on, my work days have crept up to City length. Yes, I have projects, and yes, some stuff needs to be done at night, but I really can't do back to back to back 16 hour days any more.

On the other hand, I think the solar equipment engineer and I have found a way to light an isolated signalized crosswalk when a pedestrian pushes the button without requiring a massive solar panel and battery bank. If this works, it will be -so- cool, and SEE is already talking about coauthoring an article for Public Roads, ITE Journal, or the IMSA Journal.

Work rewarded with more work, yay. Also, publication counts as several PDHs, so less ironic yay.

I'm the programming chair for a regional conference scheduled for February. I have 9 speakers lined up and still don't know whether the conference will be real or imaginary in person or virtual. If it's virtual, this is the last year I'll serve, and possibly the last year I attend. A glorified webinar isn't worth the headaches and absurd cost to attend.
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