Tee Shirts for Sale

Feb 16, 2008 23:56

Xi Rho Chapter is selling some interesting tee shirts:

Front: Letters
Back: "Service: It's what we do."

Cost: $17.99 (including domestic shipping)
Size XXL or large, please add $1.50 per shirt.
1) If you are interested, email: apo.xirho@gmail.com to let them know.

2) Write a check or money order payable to Alpha Phi Omega.

3) Mail your payment and include a print out of the email you sent us in step #1 -or  - if it is more convenient, a written paper that states the shipping address, your name, phone number, number of shirts and sizes.
4) Make sure your mail is postmarked no later than February 22nd
Address :

Alpha Phi Omega
Hunt Union
SUNY College at Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820
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