when is it going to stop

May 10, 2008 17:01

Are we so desperate for mindless drek on the tv that we will turn anything into a reality tv show now?. I just saw an ad, for superstar hair challenge. Where people cut hair and it is judged by a panel, and then someone is of course emilnated.

Is there even a word in the english dictonary that can discribe this...

I would love to see the room the people that were sitting around whacking back a few dozen and smoking a field of fucking pot and thought. "Let's make a show out of cutting hair." Oh wow... it's fucking amazing, these people can even muster the mental energy to wipe their own asses.

I would love to see the budget for this show, i'm sure the tens of dollars they put into it, must be able to go for something worth while.

Here is a reality show for you, it's all about a group of writers that have to make up shows that DON'T SUCK!!! They will all get voted off in the first week and we can move on to something new.

Hey you.. yeah.. you.. all of you who went on the writers strike, Was it worth it?
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