For ff dot net users who clicked on the little 'website' link, I hope you're all not too disappointed that there's absolutely nothing on this profile. I'm sorry! but it's new and like, I haven't really figured out how to work this business yet. Don't worry, though, I'll figure it out. Fanfiction will be sure to run rampant here once I get into the swing of things.
For those of you who aren't ff dot net users and who just sort of accidentally found me, well, I'm sorry to you too. I'm a very boring, dull and unimportant person. Feel free to hit the back button or just type in a new URL or something. I won't get offended.
All right, since I haven't properly introduced myself, I guess I'll do that.
II've got nothing better to do anyway. Well, that's a lie. I do, but I've got writer's block right now and I'm hoping this might help.
So, Introductions. Right. I'm Alpha Hydra, have been for a couple of years now. My real world name is much more boring and exponentially girli-er, so I don't ordinarily use it online. Props to anyone who can figure it out; the clue is my lame user pic. But anyway, I've been writing various short stories, poems and works of fanfiction for a really long time. First thing I ever wrote was in middle school, some 10 odd years ago (more or less). God, I'm old.
I like to think that my writing style has improved since then, and hell, maybe it has. I hope it has, because honestly, that was a loooong time ago. so, yeah.
Ok. What else? I'm kinda crazy and marginally insane. I like a wide breadth of music, and can switch from T.I. to Amon Amarth in the drop of a hat. If you don't like that cliche, here's another one: I can go from listening to Brad Paisley to Jason Mraz to Ludacris to Tchaikovsky without batting an eyelash.
I hate cliches, but use them frequently because my brain is too lazy to come up with its own witty remarks.
My favorite authors include: Allen Campbell, Leo Tolstoy, Victor Hugo, Eugene O'Neil, HG Wells, JRR Tolkein, Brian Greene, Fareed Zakaria, John Milton, WIlliam Blake, Aristotle, John Locke, Alexander Hamilton (yes, he was a writer! Can anyone say 'Federalist Papers'?), JK Rowling (What can I say? everything in my life can be traced back to Harry Potter), John Erickson, Arthur Miller, Daniel Defoe, Ishmael Bael, and umm... a lot of other amazing authors that I can't think of right now.
I like to think I'm smart, but a lot of the time I have no evidence to disprove the contrary. Syntax is friend.
umm, fandoms include (from oldest to most recent): Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribean, Avataar: the Last Airbender, Batman, Bones, South Park, and Metalocalypse. Only ever written for: HP, SP, and Metalocalypse. WILL finish every story that has been started, even that really old HP one. Don't give up on me yet!
Recent laptop troubles brought about a major writer's slump on my end. Mostly because now I have to sneak into my brother's room to use the desktop computer, and isn't it just the weirdest thing reading/writing like that with an obnoxious sibling breathing down your neck? Yes, yes it is, Alpha Hydra. I am so sorry for you. So, hopefully, with the new job, I'll be able to fix up my old laptop and get up and running again before the start of the new school year!
Oh, famous last words, my dear.
Also, i've got a facebook and a myspace, so if you want to add me as a friend there, feel free to do so. You might have a bit of trouble finding me there, but, if you're really desperate, you can PM me on ff dot net and ask for my URL from there.
Hmm, let me see...
Oh, that wasn't the right button. But maybe...
did that work?
uh, I don't think so. Let's try this again
In case you haven't figured it out, I'm messing with buttons...
I still don't think it worked. Oh well..