I'm Back!

Feb 10, 2006 09:27

Ok, so i've been out of action for some time. Quite some time actually.

Alot has happened in those 10 months.

I'll keep it reasonably brief otherwise i'm pretty sure I will get no work done at all today.

I'm still working in the same company as mentioned in my last post. I was promoted to acting Human Resources and Staff Development Manager which quickly became a Standing position rather than acting. Things are different now though, i hate the company, i hate the role and i'm killing time till my employment with BankWest begins in March. It's a similar role to the one i have at Insight but in a much more regulated and structured business (phew)

I thankfully had the chance to meet thaone December 2005. Fuck he's hot (in the sack too *wink*) One thing I have lost over these few months... apart from my dignity... is definately my shame.

In July I moved out of my parents place into my own warehouse apartment in East Perth. Suprisingly mother bitch (who i affectionately call Motch) has stopped being overbearing.

I'm onto my third housemate though:

Housemate #1: Jennifer Motteram Title: Long Standing Friend Reason for leaving: Became pregnant Status: Long Standing Friend
Housemate #2: Tui Moeahu Title: Friend (die cunt die) Reason for leaving: I evicted his arse Status: Dead to me
Housemate #3: Lorna Bishopp Title: Work Colleague/Friend Reason for leaving: Still living with me (Yay) Status: Mother to our beautiful kitten Nani (Punani in full)

Yes I have a kitten... once avid cat hater now turned lover. She is black, cute and adorable but at the moment considered the spawn of Satan. Example: Last night - I decide to go to bed... Nani is quiet and laying on her little kitten futon... perfect. I wake up in the middle of the night to see her mid pounce from my fitball to my face... before i could yell i had kitten all in my face.... yum.

I am now officially 21!!!!!! It's definitely come around quickly but i'm excited. Although I don't see why it's a milestone Birthday in Australia... we can legally drink at 18.

Ok - that's enough for now i think.
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