I've decided to join the Police

Sep 29, 2010 22:02

This post and the ones after are going to remain private for a while, just because.
I'd kind of been toying with the idea for a while of joining the NZ Police, and I've finally decided that it's something I want to do, so I sent in my details today to start the process.
I've come to the conclusion that I much prefer to react to things, and that emergency management at my level doesn't give me enough to react to. Even when giving emergency preparedness lectures that I've done dozens of times before, I'm always better at responding to questions, otherwise I waffle off, and forget where I'm up to. I feel at my best when responding to an incident, and we really don't get that many. I need to get even closer to the coalface. I'd rather be cruising the streets looking for things to fix - policing fits that bill rather nicely.
Yes, Z, I've heard your extended rant before, I don't need to hear it again.
Checked out the amount you get paid while training, ~$35,000/annum over the 19 weeks, and ran the totals through my budget - it'll be feasible, even paying full rent on this place. Starting rate as a constable is around $52,000, which is more than I'm on now.
Looked at their on-line webinar, rather than attending a seminar. Didn't actually learn anything from that that I couldn't have found out from reading the website, but I fired off a few questions anyway - ie. Does it cost anything to stay at the Police College, and will I be able to pop home & feed Greebo everyday, or will I need to farm him off to friends for the 19 weeks of training? Getting another flatmate might solve that, I guess. Forgot to ask whether rural fire will fit in or not, will do that later.
Next steps, start acquiring the certificates I need - swimming competency, advanced driving etc, and start practising for the physical appraisal test.

police college, work

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