odd day

Oct 07, 2008 19:01

It's been a rather odd day today. The weather has been lovely... Windspeed on Mt Kaukau managed to get to 159km/h. There was plenty of horizontal rain too. And I spent the entire day surrounded by police. Tuesday to Thursday is CIMS4 training at the Police College - Co-ordinated Incident Management System - basically getting multiple agencies working together at incidents without confusing the hell out of each other. This particular course was being run for the Police, but to be effective they generally need participants from other agencies, so there were a couple of firemen, and someone from the air force, and us. Quite weird being in a room full of uniforms like that - especially at lunch in the mess hall - there were hundreds of them! Good food. But I ate far too many of the lollies they had on each table during the class - had a bit of a headache by the time I got home, so I had a nap on the couch with the cat for about an hour or so.

And then there was one conversation I never expected to have post-breakup - giving Craig the recipe for my mince pies...

craig, work, recipe, weather

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