"Why do bad things happen to good people?"

Oct 14, 2005 14:33

im so sick of this question. it really drives me crazy. "Why is this happening to me? i didnt do anything wrong." i advise you to skip the rest of this entry if youre easily offended, because im about to go OFF...

asking this question presupposes 3 things... that is, it takes three thoughts for granted.

1. that there are good people. sorry, but it just isnt true. my condolences if youre learning this for the first time, but no one is a good person. accept it and move on.

2. the things that are happening are indeed bad. most of the time, i dont think this is true either. the way you perceive bad is not what God perceives as bad. He's not interested in your momentary happiness. He's interested in refining you. and in case youre unfamiliar with the term, refining involves BURNING ALL OF THE CRAP OFF OF YOU. so, learn how to grow.

3. that you have any right to ask that question in the first place. what right do you have to ask the God of the universe why He does the things He does. He's God. You're not. Ever read the book of Job? If you haven't, basically GOd lets Satan demolish this mans life, and he ends up sitting on a pile of shit scratching at his open wounds, alone except for a nagging wife and some dumb ass friends. He bitches and whines for 37 chapters before the seemingly silent God decides to answer him."Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: 'Who is this who darkens my councel by words without knowledge? Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements? Surely you know!'"
Does God answer Job's questions? OF COURSE NOT! He's God. He doesn't have to. The greatest part of that entire book is when Job finally shuts up. "Then Job answered the LORD and said: Behold, I am vile; What shall I answer You? I lay my hand over my mouth."

All of this to say, life is not about you. It's about God. God is the subject of the sentence, not you.
I'm not trying to be judgmental. This whole spurt began because I caught myself asking this question in my head. I just thought id lay that all out for everyone, especially myself.
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