Sep 29, 2005 16:20
so... i leave my room to discover it is raining profusely and i forgot my umbrella... i go back inside to go get said umbrella, and I LOCKED MYSELF OUT OF THE ROOM... so i just decided "fuck it. i guess im getting wet. i like rain anyways." so i smoked an angry cigarette and proceed to walk through the wind and rain. then i see my roommate pass me by, but by then it was too late to turn around. so i just walked across campus in the rain until i got to class... dripping... and my professor laughed at me. FATHER lively laughed at me. boo. then i spent the whole class being cold and wet and discussing the gospel of luke. it was a good time folks, to be honest.
if God hadn't promised He'd never flood the earth again, id be a bit concerned right now.
on another note, not that im making any divine statements about suffering or pain or punishment, because i refuse to go there... im labeling it a divine mystery...HOWEVER... hurricanes, tsunamis, terrorist attacks... anyone else get the feeling sometimes that God is pissed?
not that i could blame him really. id be like "fuck you guys."
"jesus where am i going
jesus what have i done
have i been called out of darkness just to die in the sun?"