I have the most liberating free-spirted friends. We went cliff jumping yesterday and walked soking wet to the park to bang on some drums and play music in the oddly hott weather. I never though such accepting//creative people existed. The way they allow life to satisfy them is completely paranormal and inspiring. Its amazing the things that you can find contentment in. Or how much more you flow when you let people completely in. Letting your gard down completely is so liberating. They are the most inspiring bunch
Sooooo Went to Josh's and Nick's with Keeka and Jordan. We drew on all the walls and recorded some music, which was also amazing because when people completely except your gifts along with your errors, no one cares when someone messes up. Jordan was moody as usual and there were crickets in the backyard.
I ended up hanging out with The Honaray Title. cool kats, those boys.