Hello... and cheeky rec request...

Apr 07, 2013 19:17

Hi gang!

So I have been MIA for the last billion years, by which I mean, maybe not a billion years exactly, but it has been way too long. So first thing:

1. Hiiiiiiiiii! How ARE you? I have missed hanging out here.

And secondly, our fandom is full of awesome fic and art. And I read what gets posted on my Prophet days, but not everything epic has been posted on a Thursday. Thus:

2. What are your Crikey blimey you have missed a GEM if you haven't read/gazed at this fics/artses from the last little while... Say, year - year and a half please?? I think there are probably two hols and smoochfests I have missed, nevermind all the other awesome fests. H/D please, but if there is anything else truly brilliant, I might be tempted to give it a shot. Thank you most kindly.


Cuppa x x x x

fic_rec_hd, fandom

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