HELLO! And prompt me please!

Apr 16, 2011 17:47

Well howdy!

How long has it been since I've posted? I dread to think! But I am maxi-relaxing on holiday and here I am!!

So I am in the USofA with cassie_black12 and nursedarry (and the mini-Darries) and we are having a blast! And I love proper American iced tea.... Delicious! We are having so much fun hanging out and sightseeing and, oh yes, MEETING FANDOM PEOPLE!

In Chicago we met leo_draconis and alaana_fair and sassy_cissa. It was unbelievably fun, and those gals are really cool cookies!

Now we're in Kansas and today we hung out with lijahlover and veritas03 and it was just amazing. Lijah cooked for us and we nattered and they are just the bees knees!

Next stop? Seattle, baby! Norwescon look out - the Brits are coming....!

One of the funnest things about this holiday has been the downtime where I've actually read fic and my word, I have missed it. And now I am in the mood for writing some little pieces before I get cracking on my Glompfest (have you claimed yet? No? Go, run, stop reading, claim!), so if you feel so inclined, please leave me a prompt to get me started! H/D only and I'm not writing character death. That aside, I'm easy as Sunday morning...

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

fest: glompfest, fandom, tea, thank you, love, flist

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