Title: Advent Adventures (10/25)
alovelycupofteaWord Count: ~500
Rating: NC17
25 Days of Draco and Harry - Day Ten and
Advent Quickies - Day TenWarning: Lots of talk about wanking.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Written for
25 Days of Harry and Draco AND
Advent Quickies. This is a story in 25 parts.
slythindor100’s 25 Days of Draco and Harry - Day Ten
awdt’s Advent Quickies - Day Ten
Advent Adventures, part ten.
Draco awoke early, even though it was a Saturday and he’d had a late night at the party, and even later by the time he’d wanked to the thought of Harry once. Or maybe twice. He dragged himself out of bed, determined to get down to the Great Hall for breakfast and leave Potter’s latest present on the Gryffindor table.
As he had hoped, the hall was deserted and Draco deposited the neatly wrapped package where Potter and the other Gryffindor Eighth years usually sat. As he turned towards the Slytherin table his eye was caught by the Hufflepuff Christmas tree. How had he not noticed yesterday that they had decorated it pink? Merlin. Eating his breakfast alone, he wondered if there was any way he would get Potter to tell him what he thought of the other present. He was desperate to know, and his imaginings of Potter trying it out were taking a starring role in his wank fantasies. Even better, were his fantasies where Potter showed him...
Draco realised he was in the Great Hall and tried to concentrate on his breakfast. He thought he ought to go outside and do some flying, since he was in grave danger of spending his entire Saturday in bed, having wank after messy wank. And that would not be very productive... And he should do stuff. Like homework. Or flying. He pushed his plate away, gulped down his hot coffee and headed to the dungeons to put on as many layers of clothes as he could without severely hindering his ability to manoeuvre his broom.
He had flown so much that his lips were chapped and his torso dripping with sweat inside his layers, when breathing in the cold wind finally became too painful. As he hopped off his broom, he was startled by someone calling to him. Turning, he saw Harry jogging down towards the pitch. He smiled, and hoped his cheeks looked red from exercise, not blushing.
“Morning, Malfoy.” Harry was trussed up in layers of clothes, and Draco thought the vee of skin between his scarf and his jumper was the most lickable thing he’d ever seen. He lifted his eyes to Potter’s face and tried to focus. “You’re up early.”
Draco’s throat was all husky from the exercise and the cold wind. “Yes.” It came out like a croak. “Always am.” He licked his lips. They felt sore and chapped. They probably looked ugly and unkissable. Harry was staring at them. Merlin, he had noticed how horrid they looked...
“You finished? Or, do you want to fly with me?” Potter was fiddling with his gloved hands.
Draco’s eyes widened. “Yes.” Even though his chest felt like it was being ripped apart by ice and his limbs ached and his nose and ears had gone numb, a little thing like the Scottish winter would not stop him from taking up this opportunity. As if on cue, it started snowing and a snowflake landed on Harry’s cheekbone. Draco gently wiped it away with his thumb.
Harry smiled and Draco thought he would brave any snowstorm to see that again.
Next Part Start from the beginning