TIALCOTCFRACC days #38 - #44 - THE END *sad face*

Nov 01, 2009 16:19

Hello old friends and new and welcome to hd_career_fair TIALCOTCFRACC* days thirty-eight to forty-four! This is the final edition of TIALCOTCFRACC, and I have a little lump in my throat!

* TIALCOTCFRACC - The Inaugural ALovelyCupOfTea Complete Fest Reading and Commenting Challenge


Sweatin' to the Voldies
Summary: The-Boy-Who-Lived has become The-Boy-Who-Ate, and his girlfriend just can't take it anymore. After Ginny leaves Harry for presumably slimmer pastures, Harry realizes that if he has any chance of getting her back, he's going to have to get fit quick. It's really just his bad luck that a certain pale, pointy bastard owns the only wizarding gym in the country.
TIALCOTCFRACC says: There is such a range of emotion in this fic. But my favourite element might be Draco's witticisms. Lush.


Silhouettes in Sunsets
Summary: Draco Malfoy is a Gringotts accountant by day and a luthier by night. Harry Potter is the owner of Hedwig’s Owl Emporium on Diagon Alley. Music and scheming owls will bring the two men back together.
TIALCOTCFRACC says: A beautiful, lyrical, mesmerising piece of writing.


Blood and Brimstone
Summary: The Inquisition claims it reforms and cleanses Prodigals of their demonic heritage, but Captain Harry Potter learns that the Church has lost its way and is worse by far than the devils in Hells Below.
TIALCOTCFRACC says: I've never read 'Wicked Gentlemen' but this is a masterful piece of storytelling. Dark and creepy but it completely sucked me in.


Summary: Death is away on his honeymoon and Harry is forced to stand in. The first name on the list of the dead is Draco Malfoy.
TIALCOTCFRACC says: This is a really unexpected story. I have such a soft spot for fics in which the supernatural is not so super. It's fun!


To Separate from Life
Summary: Harry lives in his dream, Draco wants him to wake up. In the end, the only thing they need is more time.
TIALCOTCFRACC says: Really gorgeous and surreal. The panel with Draco leaning back with a cigarette in his mouth... guh. Beautiful.


When the Clocks Stopped
Summary: When the clocks stop the past gets its chance to catch up.
TIALCOTCFRACC says: A great idea, really cleverly executed. Wonderful.


Little Red Courgette
Summary: When this season’s purple courgettes are woefully thin, Draco Malfoy thinks it amounts to small beans. Next thing he knows, the Department of Standards is over-run with leeks, Brussels sprouts all sorts of legislative difficulties, and somebody appears to have put a roquette under Harry Potter. Can Draco seize a marrow victory? Or will his plans for peas be squashed?
TIALCOTCFRACC says: This was too serious a matter to allow for a beverage delay. This piece of heresy aside, this is a wonderful romp of a fic. A sort of 'Yes, Minister' comedy with boys kissing. YUMMY! Also - the accompanying art is fab! I loved having the cartoons brought to life.

Eep. It is with sadness that this challenge comes to an end!

Don't forget to go to the Guessing Polls! Despite having read everything - *iz proud* - I can't guess every author/artist by a long shot. I have some I am almost certain about and others I am completely befuzzled by! I'm going to think about it for a bit!

artwork by heathen_arcade

TIALCOTCFRACC - An Extreme Reading Event

fic_rec_hd, art_rec_hd, fest: hd_career_fair, tialcotcfracc, fandom

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