Jul 31, 2001 21:47
okie, so here goes -
after becoming a daycare teacher of 3 yr. olds, I NEVER EVER WANT TO HAVE KIDS, nor do i ever want to get stuck doing what i am currently doing right now. i now have a certain respect and admiration for my mother, who has the utmost patientce with all the kids, even the most misbehaved, most anally disgusting kids ever. i hate BMs.... in case you're not fortunate enough to understand what they are, it means Bowel Movement... if you still dun get the pic, then forget. anyways, i start wretching if i need to clean more than 1 a week. yes, one a week, you try dealing with them! seriously though ~ i wanted to quit after my first day, but because my mother works there, which enabled me to get the job without even an interview or anything, and the fact that i'd still have to work there for 2 weeks (yea, 2 weeks notice sux ass), i might as well stay an extra week or two. anyways, other than working and getting mad tired and sick, i've really nuthing much to include. my summer has pretty much been a waste except for the time i've spent with my family and a select few, very FEW people. right now i am aching for my eagerly anticipated return to school and the city life. i'm worried sick because we have some very difficult family truama happening. but other than that. i got most of the classes that i want, after being screwed by GSP and NYU period. anyways, to quell my wanting of the city, i've become very attached to MTV's REAL WORLD 10, back in NYC!!! episode 4 included a shot of my freshman dorm - YEP!!! not lying~~~ when Mike goes out with one of his "freaky pant-dropper" friends, Becky, he brings her back to the dorm of the friend who she's visiting...that was my frosh dorm - Brittney Hall... on the corner of East 10th and Broadway....tehehehe..... oops ~ time to go catch some Real World. take care.