Jul 12, 2001 00:00
since i am trying to be optimistic, i will first give the good news... went to see the NYC Ballet at SPAC... 'a miDsumMer niGHt's dReaM' it was magnificant!!! i've gained a new appreciation for ballet... Metropolitan here i come!!! so yea...here we go - just when i thought things were going well, after months of trying to coax and lull me into becoming more comfortable with tEd, my mother's significant other, we have, with just a few words managed to lose any progress whatsoever! i have never been so emotionally drained... hey - this is something new, a new ride that takes a lot of planning to construct...what a ride, a ride with emotions, a ride regarding the thin line between love, hate, and now plain disdain for a person who claims has so much love for me. i am a very ambitious person, but i never ask too much from the people i consider as friends. just that if they want my friendship, they must understand me and where i am coming from. most of all, they have to understand my way of coping with things. i am a very sarcastic, borderline morbidly cynical person. that is my "m.O." so to speak. if you can't deal with how sarcasm is in every part of my life, then DO NOT ASK FOR MY FRIENDSHIP because chances are you are such a big, fat ass baby that you cannot stand to be around me when i comment or joke in the manner that i am much accustommed to and WILL NOT change, no matter who the f_ck u are! period, finito, en fin!!!
there should be requirements on citizens of this earth:
1) take and pass a course on communication and calirfication
2) how not to be an asshole
3) human decency and the skills needed to be civil and respectful to others
4) a clear statement of expectations and limitations ( so when someone says something u don't like, u don't blow up at them because their standards are different from your own).
5) how to make up your mind in regards to what you want instead of changing your mind a bajiliion times and blaming others for it!!!
COPYRIGHTED by alouie5 aka alex liu 2001-07-11 23:53:55
yea, so just about sums it up. so now, instead of being happy, genuinely happy, i will "show the utmost respect" for this person whom wants to love me and be my friend but would not like my to treat him as a friend. i am not to be disrespectful to him by making any comments that can be deemed by ANYONE as disrespectful, or demeaning. i am to continue to show him my love and care and friendship, i am to agree with him and THINK LONG AND HARD BEFORE i answer ANY of his questions or comments. furthermore, i an to be happy and grateful for his care and kindness. otherwise consequences will occur which can and will include his disappearance, meaning sadness and hurt for my mother and no home for my whole family. well now, that's a heck of a bargain wouldn't u say!?! a man who is accustomed to having his frickin' way cuz he has the bucks is being so kind as to give me such a great advantageous offer....can't refuse that can i!?! so much for normality...
i now have some 40 odd days left. dorms open 8/26/01 8am....guess when i'm leaving for da big apple...