Oct 09, 2012 21:14
"Sam, please, help me I don't - somebody grabbed me - it's dark and I don't know where - Sam - call Derek - fuck - hey! Get off!"
The message ends abruptly in what sounds like the rustle of clothes and a scuffle.
sam winchester : wolfy_sam
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But he had to find him first, and he couldn't rely on scent or sound. Beacon Hills was big enough it would be nearly impossible to pinpoint his location. So plugging his phone in, he blesses Stiles for leaving the GPS on his phone active. The woods. Ok. He has a good place to start.
Now he can get the keys and haul ass.
Gun in the shoulder rig he normally wore, silver knife at his back and flask of holy water in his pocket, Sam approaches the run down cabin. He can smell Stiles. He can also smell sulfur.
At his name he stirs, groaning softly. "...Fuck...Sam...?"
Only when Stiles is standing does Sam look him over closely, his eyes relieved. "Hey, what happened? Who grabbed you?"
Stiles' grip on Sam's arm tightens and he flattens into the man. "They just grabbed me, Sam...threw me into their trunk, I think." He's shaking a little, and Stiles curls in towards Sam's chest, looking around the room distrustfully. "Where are we?"
Sulfur. His nostrils flare again.
"I need to come back here and find out what took you."
Suddenly Stiles' grip is crushing, and the demon steals a quick kiss before darting backwards, looking more than triumphant as the door and windows fly shut, blocking all exits. "Hiya, Sammy."
"Let him go. Now."
"Let him go. I'm only going to warn you once."
If the demon knows his name, then he should know that he's not going to waste his time with idle threats. An exorcism ritual spun itself in his memory, the Latin echoing in his mind.
"Stiles isn't home right now," The demon simpers, ignoring the screaming teenager in his head, shoving him down and silencing him. "May I take a message?"
"What do you want?"
Watch your enemy. Pick your moment. Don't charge in right away. Observe. Learn.. He can hear his Dad's voice in his head, drilling into him on how to handle a demon.
"Too bad this kid has to suffer," The demon sighs, like it's a huge burden but what's done is done. Or so he wants Sam to think. "He barely likes you, and all you do is bring him pain."
"Fine. Whatever your name is, you want me, you take me. Leave him out of this."
There's the barest flinch at his words. Words engineered to hurt.
"Ah, see, I can't do that," The demon made a mock-apologetic face, tapping Stiles' chin thoughtfully. "You see, you may not mean a damn to him, but he means ever so much to you, Sammy."
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