The Hotel - A one shot.

Aug 08, 2008 13:09

Title: The Hotel
Author: siriuslysmitten
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Characters and/or pairings: Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Rating: R/NC-17
Word count: 1402
Summary: Frank and Gerard realize their onstage antics aren't just an act.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone in MCR, no matter how much I'd love to make Frankie hot and sweaty and...*cough*. hahaha Anyway, pure fiction from the disturbing depths of my brainpan.
Warnings: Unapologetic smut.

The reaction of the girls in the crowd was, in many ways, very satisfying. The high pitched screaming was audible despite the playback from the speakers on the front of the stage. It was a show, and what a show it was.

Frank crouched, right arm wrapped around Gerard’s left leg, still playing an extended ending to Thank You for the Venom hard and fast. He leaned against Gerard, nuzzling against his thigh before gliding slowly up, the screams from the crowd rising in intensity. As his cheek grazed across Gee’s hip, his eyes closed, he alone knowing whether the pleasure in his expression was genuine or just an act. He continued to rise, never breaking bodily contact with his band mate. Upright, he turned slightly to lean into Gerard’s shoulder. He felt an arm around his neck as the end of the song drew near, and Gerard hugged him close. The last chord struck, the overwhelming volume of the fans, and it happened, like so many times before. Gerard was kissing him. His hand slipped from the neck of his Epiphone, reaching up to grab a handful of Gee’s hair, playing along. This was standard fare. Yet this was different. This kiss had a spark behind it, an emotional air, more than just an onstage antic. Gee’s tongue caressed his own, the roar of the crowd fading from his consciousness. Gerard exhaled hard, the corners of his mouth slowly curling into a grin as they separated. Ripping into the next song, Frank fought to lose himself in the rhythm, but it pounded itself repeatedly through his mind. It had never gone this far.

Their band mates showed no reaction beyond smiling and laughing. They were used to this kind of show. There was a camaraderie amongst the five of them, they were basically family. They all knew that anyone was likely to do anything, at any time. Frank and Ray could be lured into removing their shirts onstage, Gerard was well known for groping everyone, especially himself. Give the kids a show, they were the best fans in the world, after all.


Exhausted but wide awake, Gerard took a quick shower and sat on the bed, scrubbing his wet hair. Throwing the towel on the floor, he reached for his cigarettes and his cell phone. No answer on the other end, he left a voicemail for his wife and sat back against the headboard, leisurely enjoying a smoke. A few soft taps on the door caused him to crush out the cigarette, tossing the butt into the ashtray on the dresser. Swinging the door open, alone in the hallway, there stood Frank, looking up at him. Frank always knew he was short, but the few inches between them seemed to shadow him now. “Hey,” he said quietly, stepping across the threshold and entering the room. He heard the door thump shut behind him. “I’m out of smokes,” he stated, taking one from Gee’s pack and lighting it, tossing the lighter onto the dresser as he drew in a long breath.

“I think that was the loudest fucking crowd ever,” Gerard mused.

Without even turning around, Frank could imagine Gee’s face, a broad grin of happiness spread over it. The better the fans’ response, the happier they all were with their performance, especially Gerard. He got a thrill from pushing the envelope.

“They got one hell of a show,” Frank muttered.

An indefinable energy trickled through him as he felt a light breath along the crook of his neck. Involuntarily, he shut his eyes. “It wasn’t all show,” quietly whispered against his ear, “Isn’t that why you’re here, Frankie?” Gee nuzzled softly across his skin, adding, “You’re not out of smokes.” He gingerly slid a finger just behind Frank’s ear, brushing aside the dark waves, his tongue following behind, leading to a teasing nip. A sucking kiss and a harder bite caused another sizzle down Frank’s spine while Gerard’s other hand found it’s way to his hip.

Traveling for years in a crowded bus with tiny bunks, stacked one on the other, bred a unique kind of familiarity. There was an odd comfort in the way Gerard touched him, the strength in which he pressed their bodies together. “We both want this,” his friend insisted.

“Gerard,” he whispered, forcing himself to protest, despite his body screaming at him to shut up, to give in to these caresses. He pulled himself away, put the now burned out cigarette into the ashtray and turned to face his friend. “We’re both mar..” he began, but before he could finish the sentence, he found himself bodily slammed against the hotel room wall. Tugging at the hem of his tshirt, fingers gliding over the soft skin just above his waistband, he had no time to protest. Gerard’s kiss crashed over him, hungry, wanting, tasting him.

He wanted to stop. He really did. He wanted to say no, don’t, I can’t. He thought of her, but it was fleeting and vanished as Gerard lifted his shirt up, touch grazing over skin. He couldn’t help himself, he let it be swept over his head, then tangled his hands into Gee’s hair and pulled him into a hungry kiss. He knew they both wanted this, it had been building to this point for so long. The joking and toying, the playing, the act that wasn’t really an act after all.

Black hair tangled between his fingers, he felt a hand smooth over the front of his jeans. His body reacted, his already too-tight jeans seeming ready to burst. He pressed his hips against the stroking of Gee’s hand, but found himself forced back hard against the wall. Gerard broke the kiss, leaving him breathless. Gee’s tongue drifted lightly over his jaw line, down the length of his throat, along his collarbone. He had always marveled at Frank’s tattoos, to him they were truly art, and he showed his appreciation by tasting every inch.

Kissing along his stomach and kneeling before him, Gee’s hands now worked to unfasten the fly of his jeans. He held on tight, Gerard clutching a thigh in one hand, readily guiding him by the other. He held his breath in anticipation, until finally Gerard’s mouth surrounded him with wet warmth. He didn’t want it to stop, the intensity had him glistening with sweat, his breathing now hard and ragged. He peered down through long, dripping bangs, watching the rhythmic motions with which Gerard swept him along.

Fighting his own urges to let go, he pulled Gerard up and into a ravenous kiss, forcing him toward the bed. He tugged against the fabric of Gee’s pants desperately, craving hands-on contact. Gerard tore himself loose and gave Frank a hard shove to the chest. He fell back onto the bed, Gerard straddling him and taking him eagerly in his hand. He returned the favour, clutching at Gee’s thigh with his free hand, so hard he was sure to leave marks. As they stroked each other, Frank closed his eyes, drowning in pleasure, sweat falling over his temples. Pace and pressure increasing, he again looked at Gerard, through narrowed eyes, compelled to watch their interaction. Gerard tipped his head back, groaning in time, and with a rough thrusting of his hips released himself onto the soft skin of Frank’s stomach. Frank tried to hang on, relishing the pleasure, but it was too much to bear. He gave in, shaking, sending warm rivulets running across his stomach. Both trying desperately to catch their breath, Gerard collapsed on top of him, burrowing gently into his neck, spent. They lay together, contented and exhausted. Time slipping away, what they had just done together implanted itself in their memories, both wondering if it would happen again, or if this one time had released what was pent up for so long. Parting, their eyes met without so much as a word, a new understanding between them. Gerard rolled gently free, a few more moments passing before it seemed the right time to move on.

Nothing more said, they dressed in silence, and Frank slid a handful of cigarettes out of the pack. Lighting one, he drew on it deeply then, exhaling, said, “I told you I was out of smokes.” Gerard put his arm around his neck and pulled him close. With a smile, Gee planted a kiss on his forehead, then watched him slip away into the hallway, door shutting with a thump.

type: one shot, shipping: frank/gerard, fandom: my chemical romance, !siriuslysmitten

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