Jun 04, 2005 14:10
Been a really long time since I updated. I don't think anyone even reads this anymoe, but that's never why I started it anyhow. I like to look over and read things that I had forgotten about, good and bad.
As a quick update on what's generally happening in my life, all I can say is I'm content. I finished school which is a huge relief. I've never been much for school, didn't like it, didn't care to do well. So now would be the point in my life where I get my shit together and find a real job...but I think I'm gonna hold off for a little while. Take a year with just a bs job and enjoying myself. I make enough money working at Rocky Run to support myself for awhile. Being a career waitress is NOT in my future. I'll do what I need when I feel I'm ready, no use rushing it. I like working at Rocky Run too. There are some days where I get angry and don't want to be there, but it very rarely actually has anything to do with what happens at work but just me coming in in a bad mood to begin with. Moneys good and I like most of my coworkers a lot.
Mikey is looking into buying a house and finding some roomates, so whenever he gets a place I'll be moving in with him and finally leaving my house. I promised my mom I'd stay until I was done with school, and I'm done now. She has been kinda depressed lately, and I kow part of it is because she misses my brother and she knows I'm leaving her soon too, but I can't stay here just to make her happy, thats not far to me. She would keep me here til I was 40 if she could. I'm ready to leave though, not just because I want to escape the parental ball and chain, but I'm want to fully take care of myself. Even though I must admit that it will be nice to not have a curfew, not have to call and check in every few hrs, and to finally be able to do whatever I want with my hair and body and so forth.
Things with Mikey and I are good, we've been dating a yr and about 2 months now, I think. I'm happy, I'm pretty sure he's happy, and the more and more I look at other couples around us the more I think how lucky we are. Too much lying, cheating, fighting, jealousy, and disrespect. It's nice to have a guy in my life who doesn't make me feel worthless.
Other then that I've just been sleeping a lot, playing a lot of video games....halo then morrowwind and now guild wars. I still need to get my weight back up but sometimes that seems like a hopeless task. I had gotten back to almost 130 then like a week later was magically somehow back to 120. Been actually trying to get back into drawing more, I had almost given up on it for a while. I got a much needed confidence boost from an art teacher at aacc I had last semester. Well, I guess that's it. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll update again in another 6 months.