(no subject)

Aug 22, 2005 13:44

these numbers haunt me for some reason i dont know yet. i slept in so late, but that is not out of the norm for me. yesterday went to alana's with andy and heather. nina was there as well. it was okay. at the end of the night there was a lot of laughter and goofiness only andy and i could comprehend.

why is there so many temptations in the world. we are around so many things that should be kept sacred with only 2 people but there is everything around us that trys to deteroriate that. but maybe it always has. it is just a constant issue in life that is yet another task to overcome. some people are so confident. and confidence is something that makes people desirable to be around and to strive to be like.

why are the people in commercials "problems" so...non-exsistent in real life. like "gee golly my toliet is so filthy. non of my other toliet bowl cleaners work. what should i do?" it just seems so unreal and not normal.

i hate having serious talks with shane and he always happens to be drunk and non coherant when it happens.

school will be starting soon. i think i am more excited to slack off again.

i will not forfeit any donations anyone is willing to give me for my upcoming trip across the country. i am low low on cash.
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