Josie fucking Grossie, that's my girlfriend!

Mar 23, 2011 13:30

My little guy is sick, again. He has strep and also probably flu. He has been on a food strike, and screams no at everything. Really, everything- even stuff like "Do you want Jello?" "Do you want to watch your favorite show?" The worst is when he ASKS for something and then screams and flails his arms in rejection when you bring it to him. So he is generally just totally miserable and totally miserable to be around. Oh, and the medicine gives him Montezuma's revenge, so I'm up to my elbows in FUN STUFF all day long. Tater tot has always been great about taking medicine in the past, hell, medicine was his first multi-syllabic word, but after a horrible scene that involved vomit and hysterics, I have started smuggling the stuff into his cup, which he caught me doing once and is now leery about.

So basically, the last two days have been some of the toughest of my career as a parental unit. (Wrap it up, kids!) Monday I had food poisoning, tra la la la laaaa, so fun not knowing which end of your body to aim at the toilet. And I love those cold sweats!

The worst part of Tater tot being sick is I am pretty sure he picked up this super boogery bug from my gym's daycare. I started going to the gym religiously on Feb 1st, and so he has been exposed to other germy little monkeys pretty much M-F since then. Hello, catholic guilt. Now that he is so sick, I can't go myself, and have not been getting the sweet delicious STRESS RELIEF that a nice long sweat provides me.

TL;DR version

Only with less sprawling on the carpet with a magazine, diet soda, and some oreos. You know what, fuck you Cathy.

Bill has my back.

In the opposite of FML news, in fact I would call this FTW news; I recently sold a flash to Brain Harvest. Fuck. Yeah. It'll go up next Monday! I'll post again about it on the day of with a link for you dusty LJ ghosts- the best community we ever had and we all left it for "cooler" pastures, I miss reading every single one of you bastards- seriously what are your twitter handles, I need to know, dammit.

Well that took a turn for the maudlin.

Where are mommy's little helpers when you need them?
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