Yesterday was my 30th birthday. It was quietly spent with my husband and son, eating extraordinary amounts of bbq and angel food cake and setting up this.
I also got these, to go with my new quad-core, water-cooled, voodoo-dna possessing little friend.
And when the elegant little wireless mouse is not enough,
for all my gaming needs.
I also got some blu-ray dvds and about forty pounds of chocolate from my husband. Spoiled? Who, me? Angeline gave me a really pretty decorative plate with a geisha painted on it. I got some "tactful" cards from my relatives, who were worried about me being upset about "saying goodbye to my twenties." Yeah, like I didn't already do that when I was 28 and found out I had a bun in the oven. Impending Mommyhood was way more sobering than this. And you know, even as a teen I felt my 30s would be awesome.
And finally, as a birthday present to myself that was a loooooong time coming, I have begun querying on The Iron Key.
Yeah, so far my 30s are pretty cool. I like them a lot.