80,499 / 100,000
Why yes, that would be 10,000 words in a week. TIK is all I've been thinking about, morning, noon, and night. Yesterday I watched a recording of Iron Chef America just so I could think about something else for 40 minutes. I want my mind back and yet the thought of reaching the end of this book is somehow awful.
Something else to obsess over,
Stephen King confirmed the Dark Tower Movie. I've read all the comments after the article on dream casting, and now you will be forced to read my opinions of such. Feel free to leave your own. I'm just dealing with the mains 'cause it's late and I want to be nerdily thorough in what I do discuss.
For all, I would be fine with unknowns, provided they are 'right.'
Roland: Well, Clint is too old. I would not object to Daniel Craig, Clive Owen, Ralph Fiennes, Hugh Laurie. Costner is borderline. He would have to be 100% on at all times and it's been years since he's done that. I doth protest Hugh Jackman. (I love him, but he's too warm) Viggo Mortensen, (he's a fine actor, but his invisible eyebrows freak me out), and for the love of God, not Nic Cage unless you're looking for jihad. Or Bruce Willis. Or Gibson. For Pete's sake. Have the inhabitants of the message board forgotten the face of their fathers?
Eddie: Edward Norton, Ryan Renolds, Jake G., or Sean Patrick Flannery. Sure Jared Leto was good in Requiem, but he's such an emo asshole, I kind of can't get over it. Elijah Wood, Ryan Gosling, Topher Grace were all suggested in the comments and while I like them all as actors, as Eddie they get a big poop sandwich.
Odetta: Rosario Dawson. I suppose Jada Pinkett-Smith would be alright, but there is no way I would buy Halle Berry doin' the 'Detta flip.
Susan Delgado: Someone said Hayden Panettiere, and I just don't see that at all. I submit Rose McGowan- I know she's a little older for the role but she's aged not a bit and the current crop of starlets are not up to it. Maaaaaybe Lohan if she could put down the booze for five seconds. Probably not. Possibly Jessica Biel? I heave a sigh of defeat.
The Man in Black: Hugo Weaving- how sweet would that be? Walken and Malcovitch also totally acceptable.
What do you think?