Feb 23, 2006 13:33
Higher Power.... Whatever It Is....
Please help me to relax and slow down... please help me to live in and appreciate the moment... please help me to not worry and obsess so much about everything... please help me to trust that everything is ok and will be ok... things will work out as they're supposed to... I don't have to make everything happen... I don't have to be in control... Thank you for the fantastic life that I have and for how far I've come... thank you for the wonderful people in my life... thank you for the peace and love I experience every day... thank you for friends, for my baby, for my family, for my boys... thank you for a safe, warm place of my own to live in... thank you for food every day and a job to go to... thank you for a warm sunny day today... thank you for keeping me alive and for another day.... thank you for my sobriety and a chance at a future.... thank you for meetings.... thank you for warm green grass in the middle of february... thank you for long lunch breaks... THANK YOU for cigarettes... thank you for the media player on my work computer... thank you for cell phones to call people on a crazy day... please help me to take things a moment at a time and enjoy life... please take away my insecuties, my worries about money and jobs and people... please take away my fears or at least please help me to live courageously... thank you for reminding me that I could say these things... please help me to continue working on cleaning up my life from my past... please help me to be a better human being today.... please help me to not be self-centered and to be of service to someone else... please give me serenity and peace of mind... please take away my anxiety... please help me to do a good job at work... please help me to be ok with being imperfect... please help me to trust the love in my life... please help me to not be afraid to express it back... Please help me to relax and just have fun... please help me to improve but not be so worried about my weight, my appearance, my faults, my bad habits... please help me to love myself the way other people love me... please help me to be kind, tolerant, compassionate towards other people... please help me to not be judging or angry... please help me to see the good things around me, in other people, and myself... thank you so much for being there for me all these years and being there for me now....