Jan 30, 2006 10:48
I can't stop playing with it! The metal, I mean...
I've been wanting to get pierced again... had taken all of my piercings out several years ago because of the military and never put them back in.... besides, I wanted different piercings now anyway....
So for my birthday Lou took me to Z-spot and got me pierced UP! :-D It fucking rocks....
We put new earrings in last week... then Saturday night before Donny's I got my upper ear re-pierced, a labret, and both nipples! The nipples fucking hurt, like white hot pain down to my toes.... I actually can't believe I didn't pass out or something... it certainly wasn't unbearable but I was definitely surprised by how much it hurt.... glad we did the other two first!
I'm really excited - that was a freakin awesome birthday present. :-D Happy birthday to us... hahahha! Thank you baby for another wonderful weekend...
Work is ok with it... it was funny though cause all three of the girls were like "ew!" "Gross!" that is SO nasty and unattractive!" hahahahha... whatever... I love it and so does she... and I had a shitload of compliments on them over the weekend....
Filed my taxes today... hope the amazing refund is true... I'm always afraid the IRS is going to come back a few months later and say you fucked up your return! You owe us two grand! *whimper* that would really suck....
Saw Memoirs of a Geisha last night... Will write more about that later... in a nutshell it was very beautiful, very moving...
I have to finish the board meeting minutes today at work... blah... I should go back to that soon...
It's 49 degrees out! Hope it gets even warmer! Hope she's sleeping well.... want to tell her it's nice out but I prefer letting her get up in her own time... :-D
Also, can't wait for payday! I thought it was tonight but hello dumbass... there are 31 days in January! It's Tuesday night at midnight! *pout*
My internet at home is fucked up... I still have signal but my browser isn't working... I guess my free ride is over... *sigh* I missed it so much this weekend! Taking the computer home this weekend for Mark to look at... This friday is my 26th birthday! Going to mom and dad's on saturday with Lou... should be interesting... especially with the labret piercing! hahahaha.... I actually think they will like her alot... how could they not?!... also can't wait to show her Mingo Park and the Mon River and the ball field and my grandma's and all the places I spent time growing up.... you learn so much about someone by seeing their hometown.... I want her to know it all....
Back to work!