May 29, 2004 14:31
Yoooo. Yesterday was quite fun. Napped after school and then after being woken up by the phone I got ready and Dam came and picked me up..went to Dominicks for some stuff haha and after Dan tried to sign his recipt with a pen that wasn't really a pen...haha dork ;)... we left and went back to his house. Brent joined us and they busted out their skills and built and nice fire for us. It was swell times. Rochfort and Justin soon joined in and then Briana and woah man Joe Heather Joey Rachel Katie Dave Dan Glaser and some others joined in as well. We had some swell times to say the least :) BUsted out some amazing frisbee skills WE GOT 12!!!! haha we're such little kids... but its all good, listened to justin and joe play some musica which was well and Dan's brother came and joined as well. Swell times. Heard some funny stories and such and then called it a night. Anywho. This morning went to Palmers with my mom and then went to the mall for some Prom shiat and then to Costco, swell times. Now I'ma gonna sit around here and wait for Mr. Dan to come get me to go back to the mall so he can find a new hat obsession. Hopefully our mission will be successful :) Anywho, no plans yet for tonight. On a side note. Boys Track is doin purty well thus far. Props to them. Anywho, I'm out.. Rock out